
The audio modules provide high-level interfaces for loading and manipulating audio data and computing various audio representations such as magnitude spectrograms and CQT spectrograms. For the implementation of these functionalities, we rely extensively on LibROSA and SoundFile .

The following audio representations are supported by Ketos:

Aditional detail on these representations can be found below or by accessing each class. In addition, Ketos also supports custom audio repsentations passed by the user.


The Waveform class provides a convenient interface for working with audio time series. For example, the following command will load a segment of a wav file into memory:

>>> from ketos.audio.waveform import Waveform
>>> audio = Waveform.from_wav('sound.wav', offset=3.0, duration=6.0) #load 6-s long segment starting 3 s from the beginning of the audio file

The Waveform object thus created stores the audio data as a Numpy array along with the filename, offset, and some additional attributes:

>>> type(audio.get_data())
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> audio.get_filename()
>>> audio.get_offset()
>>> audio.get_attrs()
{'rate': 1000, 'type': 'Waveform'}

To Waveform class has a number of useful methods for manipulating audio data, e.g., adding Gaussian noise to an audio segment (add_gaussian_noise()), or splitting an audio segment into several shorter segments (segment()). Please consult the documentation of the Waveform module for the complete list.


Four different types of spectrograms have been implemented in ketos: magnitude spectrogram, power spectrogram, mel spectrogram, and CQT spectrogram. These are all derived from the same Spectrogram parent class, which in turn derives from the BaseAudio base class.

The spectrogram classes provide interfaces for computing and manipulating spectral frequency presentations of audio data. Like a waveform, a spectrogram object can also be created directly from a wav file:

>>> from ketos.audio.spectrogram import MagSpectrogram
>>> spec = MagSpectrogram.from_wav('sound.wav', window=0.2, step=0.01, offset=3.0, duration=6.0) #spectrogram of a 6-s long segment starting 3 s from the beginning of the audio file

The MagSpectrogram object thus created stores the spectral representation of the audio data as a (masked) 2D Numpy array along with the filename, offset, and some additional attributes:

>>> type(spec.get_data())
<class 'numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray'>
>>> audio.get_filename()
>>> spec.get_offset()
>>> spec.get_attrs()
{'time_res': 0.01, 'freq_min': 0.0, 'freq_res': 4.9504950495049505, 'window_func': 'hamming', 'type': 'MagSpectrogram'}

While the underlying data array can be accessed via the data attribute, it is recommended to always use the get_data() function to access the data array, as shown in the preceding example.

The spectrogram classes have a number of useful methods for manipulating spectrograms, e.g., cropping in either the time or frequency dimension or both (crop()), or recovering the original waveform (recover_waveform()). Note that annotations can be added to both waveform and spectrogram objects using the annotate() method. For example,:

>>> spec.annotate(start=3.5, end=4.6, label=1)
>>> spec.get_annotations()
   label  start  end  freq_min  freq_max
0      1    3.5  4.6       NaN       NaN

See the documentation of the Spectrogram module for the complete list.

Loading multiple audio segments

The AudioLoader and AudioFrameLoader classes provide convenient interfaces for loading a selection or sequence of audio segments into memory, one at a time. For example,:

>>> from ketos.audio.audio_loader import AudioFrameLoader
>>> # specify the audio representation
>>> audio_repres = {'type':'MagSpectrogram', 'window':0.2, 'step':0.01}
>>> # create an object for loading 3-s long segments with a step size of 1.5 s (50% overlap)
>>> loader = AudioFrameLoader(frame=3.0, step=1.5, filename='sound.wav', repres=audio_repres)
>>> # load the first two segments
>>> spec1 = next(loader)
>>> spec2 = next(loader)

See the documentation of the Audio Loader module for more examples and details.

Custom audio representations

Custom audio representations are user defined classes that take as input the raw data or a path to an audio file and creates an audio object.

They can be used in ketos in a number of different ways, most notably, as an Audio representation for the AudioLoader and AudioFrameLoader classes. For instance using the AudioLoader:

>>> import MyCustomAudioRepresentation
>>> from ketos.audio.audio_loader import SelectionTableIterator, AudioLoader
>>> rep = {'any':'parameter', 'for':'the', 'custom':'representation'}
>>> generator = SelectionTableIterator(data_dir="ketos/tests/assets/", selection_table=sel)
>>> loader = AudioLoader(selection_gen=generator, representation=MyCustomAudioRepresentation, representation_params=rep)

Using the create_database function.

>>> import ketos.data_handling.database_interface as dbi
>>> import MyCustomAudioRepresentation
>>> config = {'type':MyCustomAudioRepresentation, 'any':'parameter', 'for':'the', 'custom':'representation'}
>>> dbi.create_database(output_file, data_dir, selections, audio_repres=config)

For more information on how to pass custom audio representations through a configuration file, see below.

Configuration files

As shown in the example above, the audio representation can be configured with a simple Python dictionary. Furthemore, this dictionary can be saved to a JSON file (*.json), which can be helpful for storing configurations for later use or for sharing with collaborators.

The audio representations also contain convenient, shorthand names (e.g. Mag for MagSpectrogram):

With the dictionary approach, you can specify the type of audio representation you wish to work with and supply parameter values for the class constructor. For example, your JSON file might look like this,

    "spectrogram": {
        "duration": "5.0 s",
        "rate": "10000 Hz",
        "window": "0.051 s",
        "step": "0.01955 s",
        "freq_min": "0 Hz",
        "freq_max": "6000 Hz",
        "window_func": "hamming",
        "normalize_wav": "true",
        "type": "MagSpectrogram",
        "transforms": [
            {"name":"normalize", "mean":0.0, "std":1.0}

Note that parameters with physical units are specified as strings. This approach gives you the flexibility to use the SI unit that you find most convenient. You can use the load_audio_representation() method to load the contents of the JSON configuration file into a Python dictionary. This method also takes care of parsing the parameter values that have physical units.

To find out which parameters are available for a given audio representation, consult the docstring of the corresponding class constructor. The allowed_transforms attribute will tell you which transformations are available. For example, for the Magspectrogram class,

>>> from ketos.audio.spectrogram import MagSpectrogram
>>> spec = MagSpectrogram.from_wav(path='sound.wav', window=0.2, step=0.01)
>>> spec.allowed_transforms.keys()
dict_keys(['normalize', 'adjust_range', 'crop', 'blur', 'enhance_signal', 'reduce_tonal_noise', 'resize'])

It is also possible to pass a custom audio representaion through a configuration file. To do that, simply define a key-value pair pointing to the location of your module with a “module”: “path_to_the_module” format:

    "custom_prepresentation": {
        "type": "MyCustomAudioRepresentation",
        "module": "path/to/my/audio_representation.py",
        "any": "parameter",
        "for": "the",
        "custom": "representation"