
‘audio.gammatone’ module within the ketos library.

This module provides utilities to process audio data using a auditory filterbank based on the gammatone function.


GammatoneFilterBank class: AuralFeatures class

AuralFeatures(data[, filename, offset, ...])

Aural features computed with the aural-features package (

GammatoneFilterBank(data, rate, freqs[, ...])

Gammatone filter bank.

apply_weight_func(x, freqs)

Apply C weighting function.

compute_center_freqs(num_chan, sampl_rate, ...)

Compute the center frequencies of the filter bank

compute_filter_coeffs(sampl_rate, freq)

Compute the gammatone filter coefficients.

filter_signal(signal, sampl_rate, freqs)

Pass the signal through the gammatone filters

get_filter_coeffs(sampl_rate, freq)

Get the gammatone filter coefficients.