- ketos.audio.spectrogram.load_audio_for_spec(path, channel, rate, window, step, offset, duration, resample_method, id=None, normalize_wav=False, waveform_transforms=None, smooth=0.01, **kwargs)[source]
Load audio data from a wav file for the specific purpose of computing the spectrogram.
The loaded audio covers a time interval that extends slightly beyond that specified, [offset, offset+duration], as needed to compute the full spectrogram without padding with zeros at either end.
Moreover, the returned instance has two extra class attributes not usually associated with instances of the Waveform class,
- stft_args: dict
Parameters to be used for the computation of the Short-Time Fourier transform
- len_extend: tuple(int,int)
Length (no. samples) by which the time interval has been extended at both ends (left, right).
Returns None if the requested data segment is empty.
- Args:
- path: str
Path to wav file
- channel: int
Channel to read from. Only relevant for stereo recordings
- rate: float
Desired sampling rate in Hz. If None, the original sampling rate will be used
- window: float
Window size in seconds that will be used for computing the spectrogram
- step: float
Step size in seconds that will be used for computing the spectrogram
- offset: float
Start time of spectrogram in seconds, relative the start of the wav file.
- duration: float
Length of spectrogrma in seconds.
- resample_method: str
Resampling method. Only relevant if rate is specified. Options are:
scipy (default)
See https://librosa.github.io/librosa/generated/librosa.core.resample.html for details on the individual methods.
- id: str
Unique identifier (optional). If None, the filename will be used.
- normalize_wav: bool
Normalize the waveform to have a mean of zero (mean=0) and a standard deviation of unity (std=1). Default is False.
- smooth: float
Width in seconds of the smoothing region used for stitching together audio files.
- **kwargs: additional keyword arguments
Keyword arguments to be passed to
- Returns:
- audio: Waveform
The audio signal