
class, freq_max, start_bin=0, bins=None, label=None)[source]

Mel-spectrogram axis.

num_filters: int

Number of filters

freq_max: float

Maximum frequency in Hz

start_bin: int

Start bin. Default is 0

bins: int

Number of bins. If not specified, bins=num_filters

label: str

Descriptive label. Optional

bins: int

Total number of bins

x_min: float

Left edge of first bin

freq_max: float

Maximum frequency in Hz

label: str

Descriptive label

start_bin: int

Minimum bin number

num_filters: int

Number of filters

resize_factor: float

Resizing factor.


bin(x[, truncate, closed_right])

Get bin number corresponding to a given value.

cut([x_min, x_max, bins])

Cut the axis by specifing either a minimum and a maximum value, or by specifying a minimum value and the axis length (as an integer number of bins).


Get the lower-edge value of a given bin.


Resize the axis.

bin(x, truncate=False, closed_right=False)[source]

Get bin number corresponding to a given value.

By default bins are closed on the left and open on the right, i.e., [a,b). Use the argument closed_right to reverse this.

If the value lies outside the axis range, a negative bin number or a bin number above N-1 will be returned. This behaviour can be changed using the argument ‘truncate’.

x: array-like


truncate: bool

Return 0 if x is below the lower axis boundary and N-1 if x is above the upper boundary. Default is False.

closed_right: bool

If False, bin is closed on the left and open on the right. If True, bin is open on the left and closed on the right. Default is False.

b: array-like

Bin number

cut(x_min=None, x_max=None, bins=None)[source]

Cut the axis by specifing either a minimum and a maximum value, or by specifying a minimum value and the axis length (as an integer number of bins).

At both ends of the axis, the bins containing the cut values are included.

x_min: float

Position of lower cut. Defaults to the axis’ lower limit.

x_max: float

Position of upper cut.

bins: int

Cut length, given as a integer number of bins. When bins is specified, the argument x_max is ignored.

b_min, b_max: int, int

Lower and upper bin number of the cut


Get the lower-edge value of a given bin.

b: array-like

Bin number.

x: array-like

Lower-edge bin value


Resize the axis.

This operation changes the number of bins, but preserves the axis range.

bins: int

Number of bins