‘audio.utils.misc’ module within the ketos library
This module provides utilities to perform various types of operations on audio data, acting either in the time domain (waveform) or in the frequency domain (spectrogram), or both.
Compute the CQT spectrogram of an audio signal. |
Convert any data array, y, typically a spectrogram, from decibel scale |
Convert frequency to position on Mel scale |
Convert a Magnitude spectrogram to a Mel spectrogram. |
Convert a Magnitude spectrogram to a Mel-frequency cepstrum. |
Convert a Magnitude spectrogram to a Power spectrogram. |
Compute Mel-scale filter bank |
Convert position on Mel scale to frequency |
Convert time interval to number of samples. |
Pad array with its own (inverted) reflection along the first axis (0). |
Pad array with zeros along the first axis (0). |
Divide an array into segments of equal length along its first axis (0), each segment being shifted by a fixed amount with respetive to the previous segment. |
Computes input arguments for |
Estimate audio signal from magnitude spectrogram. |
Compute Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). |
Convert any data array, y, typically a spectrogram, from linear scale |