Source code for

# ================================================================================ #
#   Authors: Fabio Frazao and Oliver Kirsebom                                      #
#   Contact:,                               #
#   Organization: MERIDIAN (                           #
#   Team: Data Analytics                                                           #
#   Project: ketos                                                                 #
#   Project goal: The ketos library provides functionalities for handling          #
#   and processing acoustic data and applying deep neural networks to sound        #
#   detection and classification tasks.                                            #
#                                                                                  #
#   License: GNU GPLv3                                                             #
#                                                                                  #
#       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify       #
#       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       #
#       the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or          #
#       (at your option) any later version.                                        #
#                                                                                  #
#       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            #
#       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             #
#       GNU General Public License for more details.                               # 
#                                                                                  #
#       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          #
#       along with this program.  If not, see <>.     #
# ================================================================================ #

""" Waveform module within the ketos library

    This module provides utilities to work with audio data.

        Waveform class
import os
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
import warnings
import as wave
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from ketos.utils import ensure_dir, morlet_func
from ketos.data_handling.data_handling import read_wave
from import AnnotationHandler
from import LinearAxis
from import BaseAudioTime, segment_data
import as aum

def _validate_wf_args(path, offset, duration):
    ''' Validate and standardize values

            path: str or list(str)
                Path to input audio file(s)
            offset: float or list(float)
                Start of segment measured in seconds from the start of the file.
            duration: float or list(float)
                Segment length in seconds.

            path, offset, duration: list
                Validated and standardized values
    if np.ndim(path) == 0:
        path = [path]

    if np.ndim(offset) == 0:
        offset = [offset for _ in path]

    if np.ndim(duration) == 0:
        duration = [duration for _ in path]

    assert len(offset) == len(path), "offset and path must have the same length"
    assert len(duration) == len(path), "duration and path must have the same length"

    return path, offset, duration

def get_sampling_rate(path):
    ''' Get the (common or lowest) sampling rate of the specified audio segments.

            path: str or list(str)
                Path to input audio file(s)

            : float
                Inferred sampling rate in Hz
    if np.ndim(path) == 0:
        path = [path]

    # get the sampling rates of the audio file(s)
    rates = []
    for p in path:
         if p is not None:
            with sf.SoundFile(p, "r") as f:

    if len(rates) == 0:
        warnings.warn("Sampling rate could not be inferred. This may cause problems.", UserWarning)
        return None

    elif len(rates) == 1:
        return rates[0]

        if np.sum(np.diff(rates)) > 0:
            warnings.warn("Audio files have different sampling rates. Files with higher sampling rate "\
                "will be downsampled to obtain consisten sampling rates as required to stitch the files "\
                "together.", UserWarning)

        rate = np.min(rates)
        return rate

def get_duration(path, offset=0, duration=None):
    ''' Get the durations of the specified audio file segments.

            path: str or list(str)
                Path to input audio file(s)
            offset: float or list(float)
                Start of segment measured in seconds from the start of the file.
            duration: float or list(float)
                Segment length in seconds.

            res: list
                Durations in seconds
    path, offset, duration = _validate_wf_args(path, offset, duration)

    res = []    
    for i in range(len(path)):
        if duration[i] is None:
            assert path[i] is not None, "duration must be specified if path is None"
                with sf.SoundFile(path[i], "r") as f:
                    d = f.frames / f.samplerate - offset[i]
            except sf.LibsndfileError as e:
                # print(f"{e} Skipping File.")
                d = 0  # set duration to 0 or any default value for corrupted files
                # raise RuntimeError(e)
            d = duration[i]


    return res

def merge(waveforms, smooth=0.01):
    ''' Merge waveforms by stitching them together with the `append` method.

        All waveforms must have the same sampling rate. If this is not the case, 
        an AssertionError is thrown.

            waveforms: list
                Waveform instances to be merged
            smooth: float
                Width in seconds of the smoothing region used for stitching together audio files.

            wf0: Instance of Waveform
                Merged waveforms
    if np.ndim(waveforms) == 0:
        waveforms = [waveforms]

    if len(waveforms) == 1:
        return waveforms[0]

    wf0 = waveforms[0].deepcopy()
    for wf in waveforms[1:]:
        n_smooth = int(smooth * wf.rate)
        wf0.append(wf, n_smooth=n_smooth)

    return wf0

def plot(waveforms, labels="", figsize=(5,4), title="", offset=0, duration=None):
    """ Plot one or several waveforms superimposed on one another.

        Note: The resulting figure can be shown (
        or saved (fig.savefig(file_name))

            waveforms: Waveform or list(Waveform)
                Waveforms to be plotted
            labels: str or list(str)
                Labels used to identify the waveforms. 
                Must have the same length as waveforms.
            figsize: tuple
                Figure size
            title: str
                Figure title.
            offset, duration: float
                Start time and length of the plotted segment in seconds. 
                If not specified, the full waveform will be plotted.
            fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
                Figure object.
    if isinstance(waveforms, Waveform): waveforms = [waveforms]
    if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels]

    assert len(waveforms) == len(labels), "waveforms and labels must have the same length"

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=figsize)

    colors = [f"C{i}" for i in range(6)]
    lstyles = ['-','--',':','-.']

    for i,wf in enumerate(waveforms):
        start = min(offset, wf.duration())
        end = wf.duration()
        if duration != None: end = min(end, start + duration)
        wfc = wf.crop(start=start, end=end, make_copy=True)
        col = colors[i%len(colors)]
        lsty = lstyles[i%len(lstyles)]
        x = np.linspace(start=start, stop=end,[0])
        y = wfc.get_data()
        ax.plot(x, y, label=labels[i], color=col, linestyle=lsty)

    if len(waveforms) > 1: ax.legend()

    return fig

[docs]class Waveform(BaseAudioTime): """ Audio signal Args: rate: float Sampling rate in Hz data: numpy array Audio data filename: str Filename of the original audio file, if available (optional) offset: float Position within the original audio file, in seconds measured from the start of the file. Defaults to 0 if not specified. label: int Spectrogram label. Optional annot: AnnotationHandler AnnotationHandler object. Optional transforms: list(dict) List of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies the name of a transformation to be applied to this instance. For example, {"name":"normalize", "mean":0.5, "std":1.0} transform_log: list(dict) List of transforms that have been applied to this instance Attributes: rate: float Sampling rate in Hz data: 1numpy array Audio data time_ax: LinearAxis Axis object for the time dimension filename: str Filename of the original audio file, if available (optional) offset: float Position within the original audio file, in seconds measured from the start of the file. Defaults to 0 if not specified. label: int Spectrogram label. annot: AnnotationHandler AnnotationHandler object. transform_log: list(dict) List of transforms that have been applied to this instance """ def __init__(self, data, time_res=None, filename='', offset=0, label=None, annot=None, transforms=None, transform_log=None, **kwargs): assert time_res is not None or 'rate' in kwargs, "either time_res or rate must be specified" if time_res is None: self.rate = kwargs['rate'] else: self.rate = 1. / time_res super().__init__(data=data, time_res=1./self.rate, filename=filename, offset=offset, label=label, annot=annot, transform_log=transform_log, **kwargs) self.allowed_transforms.update({'add_gaussian_noise': self.add_gaussian_noise, 'bandpass_filter': self.bandpass_filter}) self.apply_transforms(transforms)
[docs] def get_repres_attrs(self): """ Get audio representation attributes """ attrs = super().get_repres_attrs() attrs.update({'rate':self.rate, 'type':self.__class__.__name__}) return attrs
[docs] @classmethod def from_wav(cls, path, channel=0, rate=None, offset=0, duration=None, resample_method='scipy', id=None, normalize_wav=False, transforms=None, pad_mode="reflect", smooth=0.01, **kwargs): """ Load audio data from one or several audio files. When loading from several audio files, the waveforms are stitched together in the order in which they are provided using the `append` method. Note that only the name and offset of the first file are stored in the `filename` and `offset` attributes. Note that - despite the misleading name - this method can load other audio formats than WAV. In particular, it also handles FLAC quite well. TODO: Rename this function and document in greater detail which formats are supported. Args: path: str or list(str) Path to input wave file(s). channel: int In the case of stereo recordings, this argument is used to specify which channel to read from. Default is 0. rate: float Desired sampling rate in Hz. If None, the original sampling rate will be used offset: float or list(float) Position within the original audio file, in seconds measured from the start of the file. Defaults to 0 if not specified. duration: float or list(float) Length in seconds. resample_method: str Resampling method. Only relevant if `rate` is specified. Options are * kaiser_best * kaiser_fast * scipy (default) * polyphase See for details on the individual methods. id: str Unique identifier (optional). If provided, it is stored in the `filename` class attribute instead of the filename. A common use of the `id` argument is to specify a full or relative path to the file, including one or several directory levels. normalize_wav: bool Normalize the waveform to have a mean of zero (mean=0) and a standard deviation of unity (std=1). Default is False. transforms: list(dict) List of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies the name of a transformation to be applied to this instance. For example, {"name":"normalize", "mean":0.5, "std":1.0} smooth: float Width in seconds of the smoothing region used for stitching together audio files. pad_mode: str Padding mode. Select between 'reflect' (default) and 'zero'. Returns: Instance of Waveform Audio signal Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # read audio signal from wav file >>> a = Waveform.from_wav('ketos/tests/assets/grunt1.wav') >>> # show signal >>> fig = a.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/audio_grunt1.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/audio_grunt1.png """ path, offset, duration = _validate_wf_args(path, offset, duration) if rate is None: rate = get_sampling_rate(path) waveforms = [] for i in range(len(path)): wf = cls._from_single_file(path=path[i], channel=channel, rate=rate, offset=offset[i], duration=duration[i], resample_method=resample_method, id=id, normalize_wav=normalize_wav, transforms=transforms, pad_mode=pad_mode, **kwargs) waveforms.append(wf) wf = merge(waveforms, smooth=smooth) return wf
@classmethod def _from_single_file(cls, path, channel=0, rate=None, offset=0, duration=None, resample_method='scipy', id=None, normalize_wav=False, transforms=None, pad_mode="reflect", **kwargs): """ Load audio data from a single audio file. If `duration` (and `offset`) are specified and `offset + duration` exceeds the length of the audio file, the signal will be padded with its own reflection on the right to achieve the desired duration. Similarly, if `offset < 0`, the signal will be padded on the left. In both cases, a RuntimeWarning is issued. If `offset` exceeds the file duration, an empty waveform is returned and a RuntimeWarning is issued. If `path` is None a waveform with length `int(rate * duration)` with purely zero values will be returned. (Requires that both `rate` and `duration` are specified.) TODO: If possible, remove librosa dependency Args: path: str Path to input audio file channel: int In the case of stereo recordings, this argument is used to specify which channel to read from. Default is 0. rate: float Desired sampling rate in Hz. If None, the original sampling rate will be used offset: float Position within the original audio file, in seconds measured from the start of the file. Defaults to 0 if not specified. duration: float Length in seconds. resample_method: str Resampling method. Only relevant if `rate` is specified. Options are * kaiser_best * kaiser_fast * scipy (default) * polyphase See for details on the individual methods. id: str Unique identifier (optional). If provided, it is stored in the `filename` class attribute instead of the filename. A common use of the `id` argument is to specify a full or relative path to the file, including one or several directory levels. normalize_wav: bool Normalize the waveform to have a mean of zero (mean=0) and a standard deviation of unity (std=1). Default is False. transforms: list(dict) List of dictionaries, where each dictionary specifies the name of a transformation to be applied to this instance. For example, {"name":"normalize", "mean":0.5, "std":1.0} pad_mode: str Padding mode. Select between 'reflect' (default) and 'zero'. Returns: Instance of Waveform Audio signal """ if path is None: assert duration is not None, "duration must be specified if path is None" assert rate is not None, "rate must be specified if path is None" return cls(rate=rate, data=np.zeros(int(rate*duration)), filename=id, offset=0) if transforms is None: transforms = [] assert duration is None or duration >= 0, 'duration must be non-negative' # if 'id' is not specified, use the filename if id is None: id = os.path.basename(path) # original sampling rate in Hz rate_orig = get_sampling_rate(path) # file duration in seconds file_duration = get_duration(path)[0] # if the offset exceeds the file duration, return an empty array # and issue a warning if offset >= file_duration: data = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) if rate is None: rate = rate_orig warnings.warn("Offset exceeds file duration. Empty waveform returned", RuntimeWarning) return cls(rate=rate, data=data, filename=id, offset=offset) # if the duration is specified to 0, return an empty array # and issue a warning if duration is not None and duration == 0: data = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) if rate is None: rate = rate_orig warnings.warn("Duration is zero. Empty waveform returned", RuntimeWarning) return cls(rate=rate, data=data, filename=id, offset=offset) # if the offset is negative, pad with zeros on the left num_pad_left = 0 if offset is not None and offset < 0: sr = rate_orig if rate is None else rate if duration is None: num_pad_left = int(-offset*sr) else: num_pad_left = int(min(-offset, duration)*sr) duration += offset duration = max(0, duration) num_pad_left = max(0, num_pad_left) if duration is not None and duration == 0: data = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) if rate is None: rate = rate_orig warnings.warn("Stop is before file start. Empty waveform returned", RuntimeWarning) return cls(rate=rate, data=data, filename=id, offset=offset) # determine start and stop times for reading the wav files start = aum.num_samples(max(0,offset), rate_orig) if duration is not None: stop = aum.num_samples(max(0,offset) + duration, rate_orig) else: stop = None # read data and sampling rate rate_orig, data = read_wave(file=path, channel=channel, start=start, stop=stop) # if necessary, re-sample if rate is not None and rate != rate_orig: from librosa.core import resample data = resample(data, orig_sr=rate_orig, target_sr=rate, res_type=resample_method) else: rate = rate_orig # pad on left and/or right to achieve desired duration, if necessary if duration is not None: num_pad_right = max(0, int(duration * rate - data.shape[0])) if num_pad_right > 0 or num_pad_left > 0: if pad_mode.lower() == 'reflect': data = aum.pad_reflect(data, pad_left=num_pad_left, pad_right=num_pad_right) warnings.warn("Waveform padded with its own reflection to achieve required length to compute the stft. {0} samples were padded on the left and {1} samples were padded on the right".format(num_pad_left, num_pad_right), RuntimeWarning) else: data = aum.pad_zero(data, pad_left=num_pad_left, pad_right=num_pad_right) warnings.warn("Waveform padded with zeros to achieve the required length to compute the stft. {0} samples were padded on the left and {1} samples were padded on the right".format(num_pad_left, num_pad_right), RuntimeWarning) if normalize_wav: transforms.append({'name':'normalize','mean':0.0,'std':1.0}) return cls(rate=rate, data=data, filename=id, offset=offset, transforms=transforms, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def gaussian_noise(cls, rate, sigma, samples, filename="gaussian_noise"): """ Generate Gaussian noise signal Args: rate: float Sampling rate in Hz sigma: float Standard deviation of the signal amplitude samples: int Length of the audio signal given as the number of samples filename: str Meta-data string (optional) Returns: Instance of Waveform Audio signal sampling of Gaussian noise Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create gaussian noise with sampling rate of 10 Hz, standard deviation of 2.0 and 1000 samples >>> a = Waveform.gaussian_noise(rate=10, sigma=2.0, samples=1000) >>> # show signal >>> fig = a.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/audio_noise.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/audio_noise.png """ assert sigma > 0, "sigma must be strictly positive" y = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma, size=samples) return cls(rate=rate, data=y, filename=filename)
[docs] @classmethod def morlet(cls, rate, frequency, width, samples=None, height=1, displacement=0, dfdt=0, filename="morlet"): """ Audio signal with the shape of the Morlet wavelet Uses :func:`util.morlet_func` to compute the Morlet wavelet. Args: rate: float Sampling rate in Hz frequency: float Frequency of the Morlet wavelet in Hz width: float Width of the Morlet wavelet in seconds (sigma of the Gaussian envelope) samples: int Length of the audio signal given as the number of samples (if no value is given, samples = 6 * width * rate) height: float Peak value of the audio signal displacement: float Peak position in seconds dfdt: float Rate of change in frequency as a function of time in Hz per second. If dfdt is non-zero, the frequency is computed as f = frequency + (time - displacement) * dfdt filename: str Meta-data string (optional) Returns: Instance of Waveform Audio signal sampling of the Morlet wavelet Examples: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a Morlet wavelet with frequency of 3 Hz and 1-sigma width of envelope set to 2.0 seconds >>> wavelet1 = Waveform.morlet(rate=100., frequency=3., width=2.0) >>> # show signal >>> fig = wavelet1.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_standard.png") .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_standard.png >>> # create another wavelet, but with frequency increasing linearly with time >>> wavelet2 = Waveform.morlet(rate=100., frequency=3., width=2.0, dfdt=0.3) >>> # show signal >>> fig = wavelet2.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_dfdt.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_dfdt.png """ if samples is None: samples = int(6 * width * rate) N = int(samples) # compute Morlet function at N equally spaced points dt = 1. / rate stop = (N-1.)/2. * dt start = -stop time = np.linspace(start, stop, N) y = morlet_func(time=time, frequency=frequency, width=width, displacement=displacement, norm=False, dfdt=dfdt) y *= height return cls(rate=rate, data=np.array(y), filename=filename)
[docs] @classmethod def cosine(cls, rate, frequency, duration=1, height=1, displacement=0, filename="cosine"): """ Audio signal with the shape of a cosine function Args: rate: float Sampling rate in Hz frequency: float Frequency of the Morlet wavelet in Hz duration: float Duration of the signal in seconds height: float Peak value of the audio signal displacement: float Phase offset in fractions of 2*pi filename: str Meta-data string (optional) Returns: Instance of Waveform Audio signal sampling of the cosine function Examples: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a Cosine wave with frequency of 7 Hz >>> cos = Waveform.cosine(rate=1000., frequency=7.) >>> # show signal >>> fig = cos.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/cosine_audio.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/cosine_audio.png """ N = int(duration * rate) # compute cosine function at N equally spaced points dt = 1. / rate stop = (N-1.)/2. * dt start = -stop time = np.linspace(start, stop, N) x = (time * frequency + displacement) * 2 * np.pi y = height * np.cos(x) return cls(rate=rate, data=np.array(y), filename=filename)
[docs] def to_wav(self, path, auto_loudness=True): """ Save audio signal to wave file Args: path: str Path to output wave file auto_loudness: bool Automatically amplify the signal so that the maximum amplitude matches the full range of a 16-bit wav file (32760) """ ensure_dir(path) if auto_loudness: m = max(1, np.max(np.abs( s = 32760 / m else: s = 1 wave.write(filename=path, rate=int(self.rate), data=(s*
[docs] def plot(self, show_annot=False, figsize=(5,4), label_in_title=True, append_title='', show_envelope=False): """ Plot the data with proper axes ranges and labels. Optionally, also display annotations as boxes superimposed on the data. Note: The resulting figure can be shown ( or saved (fig.savefig(file_name)) Args: show_annot: bool Display annotations figsize: tuple Figure size label_in_title: bool Include label (if available) in figure title append_title: str Append this string to the title show_envelope: bool Display envelope on top of signal Returns: fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure object. Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a morlet wavelet >>> a = Waveform.morlet(rate=100, frequency=5, width=1) >>> # plot the wave form >>> fig = a.plot() >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../_static/morlet.png """ fig, ax = super().plot(figsize, label_in_title, append_title) y = self.get_data() x = np.linspace(start=0, stop=self.duration(),[0]) ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude') # superimpose envelope if show_envelope: z = np.abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(y)) ax.plot(x, z, color='C1') # superimpose annotation boxes if show_annot: self._draw_annot_boxes(ax) #fig.tight_layout() return fig
def _draw_annot_boxes(self, ax): """Draws annotations boxes on top of the spectrogram Args: ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object """ annots = self.get_annotations() if annots is None: return y1, y2 = ax.get_ylim() y1 *= 0.95 y2 *= 0.95 for idx,annot in annots.iterrows(): x1 = annot['start'] x2 = annot['end'] box = patches.Rectangle((x1,y1),x2-x1,y2-y1,linewidth=1,edgecolor='C3',facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(box) ax.text(x1, y2, int(annot['label']), ha='left', va='bottom', color='C3')
[docs] def append(self, signal, n_smooth=0): """ Append another audio signal to the present instance. The two audio signals must have the same samling rate. If n_smooth > 0, a smooth transition is made between the two signals by padding the signals with their reflections to form an overlap region of length n_smooth in which a linear transition is made using the `_smoothclamp` function. This is done in manner that ensure that the duration of the output signal is exactly the sum of the durations of the two input signals. Note that the current implementation of the smoothing procedure is quite slow, so it is advisable to use small value for n_smooth. Args: signal: Waveform Audio signal to be appended. n_smooth: int Width of the smoothing/overlap region (number of samples). Returns: None Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a morlet wavelet >>> mor = Waveform.morlet(rate=100, frequency=5, width=1) >>> # create a cosine wave >>> cos = Waveform.cosine(rate=100, frequency=3, duration=4) >>> # append the cosine wave to the morlet wavelet, using a overlap of 100 bins >>> mor.append(signal=cos, n_smooth=100) >>> # show the wave form >>> fig = mor.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_cosine.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_cosine.png """ assert self.rate == signal.rate, "Cannot merge audio signals with different sampling rates." # if appending signal to itself, make a copy if signal is self: signal = self.deepcopy() # ensure that overlap region is shorter than either signal n_smooth = min(n_smooth, len( - 1) n_smooth = min(n_smooth, len( - 1) # make sure n_smooth is even n_smooth += n_smooth % 2 if n_smooth == 0: = np.concatenate([,], axis=0) else:# smoothly join # extend by own reflections a = np.concatenate([,[-2:int(-2-n_smooth/2):-1]]) b = np.concatenate([[n_smooth//2:0:-1],]) # split into separate and overlap ao = a[-n_smooth:] bo = b[:n_smooth] a = a[:-n_smooth] b = b[n_smooth:] # compute values in overlap region c = np.empty(n_smooth) for i in range(n_smooth): w = _smoothclamp(i, 0, n_smooth-1) c[i] = (1.-w) * ao[i] + w * bo[i] = np.concatenate([a,c,b], axis=0) # re-init time axis length =[0] / self.rate self.time_ax = LinearAxis([0], extent=(0., length), label='Time (s)')
[docs] def add_gaussian_noise(self, sigma): """ Add Gaussian noise to the signal Args: sigma: float Standard deviation of the gaussian noise Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a morlet wavelet >>> morlet = Waveform.morlet(rate=100, frequency=2.5, width=1) >>> morlet_pure = morlet.deepcopy() # make a copy >>> # add some noise >>> morlet.add_gaussian_noise(sigma=0.3) >>> # show the wave form >>> fig = morlet_pure.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_wo_noise.png") >>> fig = morlet.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_w_noise.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_wo_noise.png .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_w_noise.png """ noise = Waveform.gaussian_noise(rate=self.rate, sigma=sigma, samples=len( self.add(noise) self.transform_log.append({'name':'add_gaussian_noise', 'sigma':sigma})
[docs] def bandpass_filter(self, freq_min=None, freq_max=None, N=3): """ Apply a lowpass, highpass, or bandpass filter to the signal. Uses SciPy's implementation of an Nth-order digital Butterworth filter. The critical frequencies, freq_min and freq_max, correspond to the points at which the gain drops to 1/sqrt(2) that of the passband (the “-3 dB point”). Args: freq_min: float Lower limit of the frequency window in Hz. (Also sometimes referred to as the highpass frequency). If None, a lowpass filter is applied. freq_max: float Upper limit of the frequency window in Hz. (Also sometimes referred to as the lowpass frequency) If None, a highpass filter is applied. N: int The order of the filter. The default value is 3. Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a Cosine waves with frequencies of 7 and 14 Hz >>> cos = Waveform.cosine(rate=1000., frequency=7.) >>> cos14 = Waveform.cosine(rate=1000., frequency=14.) >>> cos.add(cos14) >>> # show combined signal >>> fig = cos.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/cosine_double_audio.png") >>> plt.close(fig) >>> # apply 10 Hz highpass filter >>> cos.bandpass_filter(freq_max=10) >>> # show filtered signal >>> fig = cos.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/cosine_double_hp_audio.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/cosine_double_audio.png .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/cosine_double_hp_audio.png """ if freq_min is None and freq_max is None: return if freq_min is None: Wn = freq_max btype = 'lowpass' elif freq_max is None: Wn = freq_min btype = 'highpass' else: Wn = (freq_min, freq_max) btype = 'bandpass' b,a = scipy.signal.butter(N=N, Wn=Wn, btype=btype, fs=self.rate) = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, self.transform_log.append({'name':'bandpass_filter', 'freq_min':freq_min, 'freq_max':freq_max, 'N':N})
[docs] def add(self, signal, offset=0, scale=1): """ Add the amplitudes of the two audio signals. The audio signals must have the same sampling rates. The summed signal always has the same length as the present instance. If the audio signals have different lengths and/or a non-zero delay is selected, only the overlap region will be affected by the operation. If the overlap region is empty, the original signal is unchanged. Args: signal: Waveform Audio signal to be added offset: float Shift the audio signal by this many seconds scale: float Scaling factor applied to signal that is added Example: >>> from import Waveform >>> # create a cosine wave >>> cos = Waveform.cosine(rate=100, frequency=1., duration=4) >>> # create a morlet wavelet >>> mor = Waveform.morlet(rate=100, frequency=7., width=0.5) >>> mor.duration() 3.0 >>> # add the morlet wavelet on top of the cosine, with a shift of 1.5 sec and a scaling factor of 0.5 >>> cos.add(signal=mor, offset=1.5, scale=0.5) >>> # show the wave form >>> fig = cos.plot() >>> fig.savefig("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_cosine_added.png") >>> plt.close(fig) .. image:: ../../../ketos/tests/assets/tmp/morlet_cosine_added.png """ assert self.rate == signal.rate, "Cannot add audio signals with different sampling rates." # if appending signal to itself, make a copy if signal is self: signal = self.deepcopy() # convert to bin numbers bin_offset = self.time_ax.bin(offset, truncate=True) bin_start = self.time_ax.bin(-offset, truncate=True) # crop signal that is being added length =[0] - bin_offset signal = signal.crop(start=-offset, length=length) # add the two signals b = bin_offset bins =[0][b:b+bins] =[b:b+bins] + scale *
[docs] def resample(self, new_rate, resample_method='scipy'): """ Resample the acoustic signal with an arbitrary sampling rate. TODO: If possible, remove librosa dependency Args: new_rate: int New sampling rate in Hz resample_method: str Resampling method. Only relevant if `rate` is specified. Options are * kaiser_best * kaiser_fast * scipy (default) * polyphase See for details on the individual methods. """ import librosa.core if len( < 2: self.rate = new_rate else: = librosa.core.resample(self.get_data(), orig_sr=self.rate, target_sr=new_rate, res_type=resample_method) self.rate = new_rate self.time_ax = LinearAxis([0], extent=(0.,[0] / self.rate), label='Time (s)') #new time axis
def _smoothclamp(x, mi, mx): """ Smoothing function """ return (lambda t: np.where(t < 0 , 0, np.where( t <= 1 , 3*t**2-2*t**3, 1 ) ) )( (x-mi)/(mx-mi) )