- class ketos.neural_networks.cnn.CNN1DInterface(convolutional_layers=[{'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'filter_shape': 128, 'max_pool': None, 'n_filters': 8, 'padding': 'causal', 'strides': 2}, {'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'filter_shape': 64, 'max_pool': {'pool_size': 8, 'strides': 8}, 'n_filters': 16, 'padding': 'causal', 'strides': 2}, {'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'filter_shape': 32, 'max_pool': {'pool_size': 8, 'strides': 8}, 'n_filters': 32, 'padding': 'causal', 'strides': 2}, {'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'filter_shape': 16, 'max_pool': None, 'n_filters': 64, 'padding': 'causal', 'strides': 2}, {'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'filter_shape': 8, 'max_pool': None, 'n_filters': 128, 'padding': 'causal', 'strides': 2}, {'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'filter_shape': 4, 'max_pool': {'pool_size': 4, 'strides': 4}, 'n_filters': 256, 'padding': 'causal', 'strides': 2}], dense_layers=[{'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'dropout': 0.5, 'n_hidden': 512}, {'activation': 'relu', 'batch_normalization': True, 'dropout': 0.5, 'n_hidden': 128}], n_classes=2, optimizer=Adam ketos recipe, loss_function=CategoricalCrossentropy ketos recipe, metrics=[CategoricalAccuracy ketos recipe, Precision ketos recipe, Recall ketos recipe])[source]
Create an 1D (temporal) CNN model with the standardized Ketos interface.
- Args:
- convolutional_layers: list
A list of dictionaries containing the detailed specification for the convolutional layers. Each layer is specified as a dictionary with the following format:
>>> {'n_filters':96, "filter_shape":(11,11), 'strides':4, 'padding':'valid', activation':'relu', 'max_pool': {'pool_size':(3,3) , 'strides':(2,2)}, 'batch_normalization':True}
- dense_layers: list
A list of dictionaries containing the detailed specification for the fully connected layers. Each layer is specified as a dictionary with the following format:
>>> {'n_hidden':4096, 'activation':'relu', 'batch_normalization':True, 'dropout':0.5}
- n_classes:int
The number of classes the network will be used to classify. The output will be this number of values representing the scores for each class. Scores sum to 1.0.
- optimizer: ketos.neural_networks.RecipeCompat object
A recipe compatible optimizer (i.e.: wrapped by the ketos.neural_networksRecipeCompat class)
- loss_function: ketos.neural_networks.RecipeCompat object
A recipe compatible loss_function (i.e.: wrapped by the ketos.neural_networksRecipeCompat class)
- metrics: list of ketos.neural_networks.RecipeCompat objects
A list of recipe compatible metrics (i.e.: wrapped by the ketos.neural_networksRecipeCompat class). These metrics will be computed on each batch during training.
>>> # Most users will create a model based on a Ketos recipe >>> # The one below, specifies a CNN with 3 convolutional layers and 2 dense layers >>> >>> recipe = {'conv_set':[[64, False], [128, True], [256, True]], ... 'dense_set': [512, ], ... 'n_classes':2, ... 'optimizer': {'name':'Adam', 'parameters': {'learning_rate':0.005}}, ... 'loss_function': {'name':'FScoreLoss', 'parameters':{}}, ... 'metrics': [{'name':'CategoricalAccuracy', 'parameters':{}}] ... } >>> # To create the CNN, simply use the 'build_from_recipe' method: >>> cnn = CNNInterface.build_from_recipe(recipe, recipe_compat=False)
(x, y[, n_classes])Transforms a training batch into the format expected by the network.
Sets an early stopping monitor.
- classmethod transform_batch(x, y, n_classes=2)[source]
Transforms a training batch into the format expected by the network.
When this interface is subclassed to make new neural_network classes, this method can be overwritten to accomodate any transformations required. Common operations are reshaping of input arrays and parsing or one hot encoding of the labels.
- Args:
- x:numpy.array
The batch of inputs with shape (batch_size, width, height)
- y:numpy.array
The batch of labels. Each label must be represented as an integer, ranging from zero to n_classes The array is expected to have a field named ‘label’.
- n_classes:int
The number of possible classes for one hot encoding.
- Returns:
- X:numpy.array
The transformed batch of inputs
- Y:numpy.array
The transformed batch of labels
>>> import numpy as np >>> # Create a batch of 10 5x5 arrays >>> inputs = np.random.rand(10,5,5) >>> inputs.shape (10, 5, 5)
>>> # Create a batch of 10 labels (0 or 1) >>> labels = np.random.choice([0,1], size=10) >>> labels.shape (10,)
>>> transformed_inputs, transformed_labels = NNInterface.transform_batch(inputs, labels, n_classes=2) >>> transformed_inputs.shape (10, 5, 5, 1)
>>> transformed_labels.shape (10, 2)