Source code for ketos.data_handling.database_interface

# ================================================================================ #
#   Authors: Fabio Frazao and Oliver Kirsebom                                      #
#   Contact:,                               #
#   Organization: MERIDIAN (                           #
#   Team: Data Analytics                                                           #
#   Project: ketos                                                                 #
#   Project goal: The ketos library provides functionalities for handling          #
#   and processing acoustic data and applying deep neural networks to sound        #
#   detection and classification tasks.                                            #
#                                                                                  #
#   License: GNU GPLv3                                                             #
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#       This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify       #
#       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       #
#       the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or          #
#       (at your option) any later version.                                        #
#                                                                                  #
#       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            #
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#       GNU General Public License for more details.                               # 
#                                                                                  #
#       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          #
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# ================================================================================ #

""" 'data_handling.database_interface' module within the ketos library

    This module provides functions to create and use HDF5 databases as storage for acoustic data 
    including metadata and annotations.

    An audio segment or spectrogram is said to be 'weakly annotated', if it is  assigned a single 
    (integer) label, and is said to be 'strongly annotated', if it is assigned one or several 
    labels, each accompanied by a start and end time, and potentially also a minimum and maximum 

import os
import copy
import warnings
import tables
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from skimage.transform import resize
from ketos.utils import ensure_dir
from import BaseAudio
from import Waveform
from import audio_representation_names_in_recipe
import as al

[docs]def create_table_col(dtype, shape=()): """ Create column If an invalid data type is given, None is returned Args: dtype: str Data type shape: tuple Data shape Returns: column """ dtype = dtype.lower() if dtype == 'int': dtype = 'int32' if dtype == 'uint': dtype = 'uint32' if dtype == 'float': dtype = 'float64' if dtype == 'str': return tables.StringCol(shape) elif dtype == 'int8': return tables.Int8Col(shape) elif dtype == 'uint8': return tables.UInt8Col(shape) elif dtype == 'int32': return tables.Int32Col(shape) elif dtype == 'uint32': return tables.UInt32Col(shape) elif dtype == 'float32': return tables.Float32Col(shape) elif dtype == 'float64': return tables.Float64Col(shape) else: print(f'Warning: column type {dtype} not recognized. Column will not be created') return None
[docs]def open_file(path, mode, create_dir=True): """ Open an HDF5 database file. Wrapper function around tables.open_file: Args: path: str The file's full path. mode: str The mode to open the file. It can be one of the following: * `r`: Read-only; no data can be modified. * `w`: Write; a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). * `a`: Append; an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. * `r+`: It is similar to `a`, but the file must already exist. create_dir: bool If the directory does not exist, it will be automatically created. Default is True. Only applies if the mode is `w` or `a`, Returns: : table.File object The h5file. """ if mode in ['w', 'a'] and create_dir: ensure_dir(path) return tables.open_file(path, mode)
[docs]def open_table(h5file, table_path): """ Open a table from an HDF5 file. Args: h5file: tables.file.File object HDF5 file handler. table_path: str The table's full path. Raises: NoSuchNodeError if table does not exist. Returns: table: table.Table object or None The table, if it exists. Otherwise, raises an exeption and returns None. Examples: >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import open_file, open_table >>> h5file = open_file("ketos/tests/assets/15x_same_spec.h5", 'r') >>> data = open_table(h5file, "/train/species1") >>> #data is a pytables 'Table' object >>> type(data) <class 'tables.table.Table'> >>> # with 15 items (rows) >>> data.nrows 15 >>> h5file.close() """ try: table = h5file.get_node(table_path) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: print('Attempt to open non-existing table {0} in file {1}'.format(table_path, h5file)) raise return table
[docs]def create_table(h5file, path, name, description, data_name='data', chunkshape=None, verbose=False): """ Create a new table. If the table already exists, open it. Args: h5file: tables.file.File object HDF5 file handler. path: str The group where the table will be located. Ex: '/features/spectrograms' name: str The name of the table. table_description: class (tables.IsDescription) The class describing the table structure. data_name: str or list(str) Name(s) of the table column(s) used to store the data array(s). chunkshape: tuple The chunk shape to be used for compression Returns: table: table.Table object The created/open table. Examples: >>> import tables >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import open_file, table_description, create_table >>> # Open a connection to the database >>> h5file = open_file("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/database1.h5", 'w') >>> # Create table descriptions for weakly labeled spectrograms with shape (32,64) >>> descr = table_description((32,64), include_label=False) >>> # Create 'table_data' within 'group1' >>> my_table = create_table(h5file, "/group1/", "table_data", descr) >>> # Show the table description, with the field names (columns) >>> # and information about types and shapes >>> my_table /group1/table_data (Table(0,)fletcher32, shuffle, zlib(1)) '' description := { "data": Float32Col(shape=(32, 64), dflt=0.0, pos=0), "filename": StringCol(itemsize=100, shape=(), dflt=b'', pos=1), "id": UInt32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=2), "offset": Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=3)} byteorder := 'little' chunkshape := (15,) >>> # Close the HDF5 database file >>> h5file.close() """ if path.endswith('/') and path != '/': path = path[:-1] try: group = h5file.get_node(path) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: if verbose: print("group '{0}' not found. Creating it now...".format(path)) group_name = os.path.basename(path) path_to_group = path.split(group_name)[0] if path_to_group.endswith('/'): path_to_group = path_to_group[:-1] group = h5file.create_group(path_to_group, group_name, createparents=True) try: table = h5file.get_node("{0}/{1}".format(path, name)) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: filters = tables.Filters(complevel=1, fletcher32=True) table = h5file.create_table(group, "{0}".format(name), description, filters=filters, chunkshape=chunkshape) if not isinstance(data_name, list): data_name = [data_name] table.attrs.data_name = data_name return table
[docs]def table_description(data_shape, data_name=None, include_label=True, include_source=True, attrs=None, filename_len=100, return_data_name=False): """ Description of table structure for storing audio signals or spectrograms. Args: data_shape: tuple (ints) or numpy array or :class:`audio.base_audio.BaseAudio` or list The shape of the waveform or spectrogram to be stored in the table. If a numpy array is provided, the shape is deduced from this array. If an instance of BaseAudio is provided, the shape is deduced from the data attribute. It is also possible to specify a list of data shapes, in which case the table will have multiple data columns. data_name: str or list(str) Name(s) of the data columns. If None is specified, the data column is named 'data', or 'data0', 'data1', ... if the table contains multiple data columns. include_label: bool Include integer label column. Default is True. include_source: bool If True, the name of the wav file from which the audio signal or spectrogram was generated and the placement within that file, is saved to the table. Default is True. attrs: list() Specify additional attributes that you want saved to the table. For each attribute, provide the name, shape, and type, in the form of a dictionary, e.g., {'name':'confidence', 'shape':() 'type':'float'} filename_len: int Maximum allowed length of filename. Only used if include_source is True. return_data_name: bool Return the names of the columns used to store the data arrays. Returns: TableDescription: class (tables.IsDescription) The class describing the table structure. data_name: list(str) The names of the columns used to store the data arrays. Only returned if return_data_name=True. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import table_description >>> >>> #Create a 64 x 20 image >>> spec = np.random.random_sample((64,20)) >>> >>> #Create a table description for weakly labeled spectrograms of this shape >>> descr = table_description(spec) >>> >>> #Inspect the table structure >>> cols = descr.columns >>> for key in sorted(cols.keys()): ... print("%s: %s" % (key, cols[key])) data: Float32Col(shape=(64, 20), dflt=0.0, pos=None) filename: StringCol(itemsize=100, shape=(), dflt=b'', pos=None) id: UInt32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=None) label: UInt8Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=None) offset: Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=None) >>> >>> #Create a table description for strong annotations >>> descr_annot = table_description_annot() >>> >>> #Inspect the annotation table structure >>> cols = descr_annot.columns >>> for key in sorted(cols.keys()): ... print("%s: %s" % (key, cols[key])) data_index: UInt32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=None) end: Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=None) label: UInt8Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=None) start: Float64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=None) """ if attrs is None: attrs = [] if isinstance(data_shape, list): data_shape_list = data_shape else: data_shape_list = [data_shape] # set/create name list if data_name is None: data_name_list = [f'data{i}' for i in range(len(data_shape_list))] if len(data_name_list) == 1: data_name_list = ['data'] elif isinstance(data_name, list): data_name_list = data_name else: data_name_list = [data_name] assert len(data_shape_list) == len(data_name_list), f'data_shape and data_name have mismatched lengths ({len(data_shape_list)} and {len(data_name_list)})' # deduce shape from class objects _data_shape_list = [] for i in range(len(data_shape_list)): ds = data_shape_list[i] if isinstance(ds, np.ndarray): _data_shape_list.append(ds.shape) elif isinstance(ds, tuple): _data_shape_list.append(ds) else: _data_shape_list.append( class TableDescription(tables.IsDescription): id = create_table_col('uint32') for ds,dn in zip(_data_shape_list, data_name_list): vars()[dn] = create_table_col('float32', ds) #data columns del ds, dn #delete loop variables or else they will be interpreted as table columns if include_source: filename = create_table_col('str', filename_len) offset = create_table_col('float64') if include_label: label = create_table_col('uint8') for attr in attrs: vars()[attr['name']] = create_table_col(attr['type'], attr['shape']) try: del attr #delete loop variables or else they will be interpreted as table columns except NameError: pass if return_data_name: return TableDescription, data_name_list else: return TableDescription
[docs]def table_description_annot(freq_range=False): """ Table descriptions for strong annotations. Args: freq_range: bool Set to True, if your annotations include frequency range. Otherwise, set to False (default). Only used for strong annotations. Returns: TableDescription: class (tables.IsDescription) The class describing the table structure. """ class TableDescription(tables.IsDescription): data_index = tables.UInt32Col() label = tables.UInt8Col() start = tables.Float64Col() end = tables.Float64Col() if freq_range: freq_min = tables.Float32Col() freq_max = tables.Float32Col() return TableDescription
[docs]def write_repres_attrs(table, x): """ Writes the audio representation attributes into the HDF5 database, where they become stored as table attributes. The audio representation attributes include, * Time resolution in seconds (time_res) * Minimum frequency in Hz (freq_min) * Spectrogram type (type) * Frequency resolution in Hz (freq_res) or, in the case of CQT spectrograms, the number of bins per octave (bins_per_octave). Args: table: tables.Table Table in which the spectrogram will be stored (described by spec_description()). x: instance of a class or numpy.array The audio object to be stored in the table. Returns: None. """ if not isinstance(x, list): x = [x] attrs = [] for xx in x: if isinstance(xx, BaseAudio): attrs.append(xx.get_repres_attrs()) elif isinstance(xx, np.ndarray): attrs.append({'type': 'numpy.ndarray'}) else: attrs.append({'type': xx.__class__.__name__}) if len(attrs) == 1: attrs = attrs[0] table.attrs.audio_repres = attrs
[docs]def write_annot(table, data_index, annots): """ Write annotations to a HDF5 table. Args: table: tables.Table Table in which the annotations will be stored. (described by table_description()). data_index: int Audio object unique identifier. annots: pandas DataFrame Annotations Returns: None. """ write_freq = ("freq_min" in table.colnames) for idx,annot in annots.iterrows(): row = table.row row["data_index"] = data_index row["label"] = annot['label'] row["start"] = annot['start'] row["end"] = annot['end'] if write_freq: row["freq_min"] = annot['freq_min'] row["freq_max"] = annot['freq_max'] row.append() table.flush()
[docs]def write_audio(table, data, attrs={}, id=None): """ Write an audio object, typically a waveform or spectrogram, to a HDF5 table. Args: table: tables.Table Table in which the audio data will be stored. (described by table_description()). data: numpy.array or list(numpy.array) Audio data array(s). The number of data arrays must match the number of data columns in the table. attrs: dict() Instance attributes filename: str Filename offset: float Offset with respect to beginning of file in seconds. label: int Integer valued label. Optional id: int Unique identifier. Optional Returns: index: int Index of row that the audio object was saved to. """ row = table.row index = table.nrows if id is None: id = index row['id'] = id #pass id to table if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] assert len(data) == len(table.attrs.data_name), f'mismatch between lengths of data and table.attrs.data_name ({len(data)} and {len(table.attrs.data_name)})' for d,n in zip(data, table.attrs.data_name): row[n] = d #pass data array(s) to table for key,value in attrs.items(): #loop over instance attributes if key in table.colnames: #check that table has appropriate column if value is not None: if isinstance(value, (dt.datetime,np.datetime64)): if pd.isnull(value): value = "" else: if isinstance(value, np.datetime64): value = np.datetime_as_string(value) else: value = value.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S") #convert datetime object to string row[key] = value #write value to appropriate field row.append() table.flush() return index
[docs]def write(x, table, table_annot=None, id=None): """ Write waveform or spectrogram and annotations to HDF5 tables. Note: If the id argument is not specified, the row number will will be used as a unique identifier for the spectrogram. When a list of audio objects is provided, only the instance attributes (filename, offset, label, annotations, etc.) of the first object is written to the table. Args: x: instance of :class:`audio.waveform.Waveform`, :class:`audio.spectrogram.MagSpectrogram`, :class:`audio.spectrogram.PowerSpectrogram`, :class:`audio.spectrogram.MelSpectrogram`, :class:`audio.spectrogram.CQTSpectrogram`, numpy.ndarray The audio object to be stored in the table. It is also possible to specify a list of audio objects. The number of objects must match the number of data columns in the table. table: tables.Table Table in which the audio data will be stored. (described by table_description()). table_annot: tables.Table Table in which the annotations will be stored. (described by table_description_weak_annot() or table_description_strong_annot()). id: int Audio object unique identifier. Optional. Returns: None. Examples: >>> import tables >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import open_file, create_table, table_description, table_description_annot, write >>> from import MagSpectrogram >>> from import Waveform >>> >>> # Create an Waveform object from a .wav file >>> audio = Waveform.from_wav('ketos/tests/assets/2min.wav') >>> # Use that signal to create a spectrogram >>> spec = MagSpectrogram.from_waveform(audio, window=0.2, step=0.05) >>> # Add a single annotation >>> spec.annotate(label=1, start=0., end=2.) >>> >>> # Open a connection to a new HDF5 database file >>> h5file = open_file("ketos/tests/assets/tmp/database2.h5", 'w') >>> # Create table descriptions for storing the spectrogram data >>> descr_data = table_description(spec) >>> descr_annot = table_description_annot() >>> # Create tables >>> tbl_data = create_table(h5file, "/group1/", "table_data", descr_data) >>> tbl_annot = create_table(h5file, "/group1/", "table_annot", descr_annot) >>> # Write spectrogram and its annotation to the tables >>> write(spec, tbl_data, tbl_annot) >>> # flush memory to ensure data is put in the tables >>> tbl_data.flush() >>> tbl_annot.flush() >>> >>> # Check that the spectrogram data have been saved >>> tbl_data.nrows 1 >>> tbl_annot.nrows 1 >>> # Check annotation data >>> tbl_annot[0]['label'] 1 >>> tbl_annot[0]['start'] 0.0 >>> tbl_annot[0]['end'] 2.0 >>> # Check audio source data >>> tbl_data[0]['filename'].decode() '2min.wav' >>> h5file.close() """ if not isinstance(x, list): x = [x] if table.nrows == 0: write_repres_attrs(table, x) data, attrs = [], [] for xx in x: if isinstance(xx, BaseAudio): data.append( attrs.append(xx.get_instance_attrs()) elif isinstance(xx, np.ndarray): data.append(xx) attrs.append({}) else: data.append( if hasattr(xx.__class__, 'get_columns') and callable(getattr(xx.__class__, 'get_columns')): # checking if the class has a method called get columns attrs.append(xx.get_columns()) else: attrs.append({}) data_index = write_audio(table=table, data=data, attrs=attrs[0], id=id) if table_annot is not None: annots = x[0].get_annotations() if annots is not None: write_annot(table=table_annot, data_index=data_index, annots=annots)
[docs]def filter_by_label(table, label): """ Find all audio objects in the table with the specified label. Args: table: tables.Table The table containing the annotations label: int or list of ints The labels to be searched Raises: TypeError: if label is not an int or list of ints. Returns: indices: list(int) Indices of the audio objects with the specified label(s). If there are no objects that match the label, returs an empty list. Examples: >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import open_file, open_table >>> >>> # Open a database and an existing table >>> h5file = open_file("ketos/tests/assets/11x_same_spec.h5", 'r') >>> table = open_table(h5file, "/group_1/table_annot") >>> >>> # Retrieve the indices for all spectrograms that contain the label 1 >>> # (all spectrograms in this table) >>> filter_by_label(table, 2) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> >>> # Since none of the spectrograms in the table include the label 4, >>> # an empty list is returned >>> filter_by_label(table, 4) [] >>> h5file.close() """ if isinstance(label, (list)): if not all (isinstance(l, int) for l in label): raise TypeError("label must be an int or a list of ints") elif isinstance(label, int): label = [label] else: raise TypeError("label must be an int or a list of ints") col_name = 'data_index' if 'data_index' in table.colnames else 'id' indices = [] for index,row in enumerate(table.iterrows()): if row['label'] in label: if col_name == 'data_index': indices.append(row[col_name]) else: indices.append(index) indices = np.unique(indices).tolist() return indices
[docs]def load_audio(table, indices=None, table_annot=None, stack=False): """ Retrieve all the audio objects in a table or a subset specified by the index_list Note that the method only can load audio representations recognized by Ketos. Available audio representations in Ketos are listed in :ref:`audio_overview`. However, custom audio representations can easily be loaded with a few lines of code, using pytables directly: >>> import tables # doctest: +SKIP >>> import MyCustomRepresentation # doctest: +SKIP >>> db = tables.open_file("my_db.h5") # doctest: +SKIP >>> tbl = db.get_node('/path/to/data/') # doctest: +SKIP >>> audio_obj = MyCustomRepresentation(data=tbl[0]['data']) # doctest: +SKIP Any other required parameters for the custom representation would need to be passed when calling the class. Warnings: Loading all objects in a table might cause memory problems. Args: table: tables.Table The table containing the audio objects indices: list of ints or None A list with the indices of the audio objects that will be retrieved. If set to None, loads all objects in the table. table_annot: tables.Table The table containing the annotations. If no such table is provided, the audio objects are still loaded, but without annotations. stack: bool Stack the audio objects into a single object Returns: audio_objs: list or instance of Waveform, MagSpectrogram, PowerSpectrogram, MelSpectrogram, CQTSpectrogram Audio objects, or numpy array Examples: >>> from ketos.data_handling.database_interface import open_file, open_table, load_audio >>> # Open a connection to the database. >>> h5file = open_file("ketos/tests/assets/11x_same_spec.h5", 'r') >>> # Open the tables in group_1 >>> tbl_data = open_table(h5file,"/group_1/table_data") >>> tbl_annot = open_table(h5file,"/group_1/table_annot") >>> # Load the spectrograms stored on rows 0, 3 and 10, including their annotations >>> from import MagSpectrogram >>> selected_specs = load_audio(table=tbl_data, table_annot=tbl_annot, indices=[0,3,10]) >>> # The resulting list has the 3 spectrogram objects >>> len(selected_specs) 3 >>> type(selected_specs[0]) <class ''> >>> >>> h5file.close() """ if indices is None: indices = list(range(table.nrows)) # keyword arguments needed for initializing object if 'audio_repres' in table._v_attrs._f_list(): data_name = table.attrs.data_name kwargs = table.attrs.audio_repres if not isinstance(kwargs, list): kwargs = [kwargs] # get the names of all columns except the data column(s) and the id column col_names = table.colnames.copy() col_names.remove('id') for dn in data_name: col_names.remove(dn) # loop over items in table audio_objs = [] for idx in indices: #current item it = table[idx] # annotations, if any if table_annot is None: annot = None else: annot_data = table_annot.read_where("""data_index == {0}""".format(idx)) if len(annot_data) > 0: annot = pd.DataFrame() for col_name in ['label','start','end','freq_min','freq_max']: if col_name in table_annot.colnames: annot[col_name] = annot_data[col_name] obj = [] for kwa, dn in zip(kwargs, data_name): for col_name in col_names: val = it[col_name] if table.coltypes[col_name] == 'string': val = val.decode() kwa[col_name] = val # initialize audio object if kwa['type'] == 'numpy.ndarray': obj.append(it[dn]) else: audio_class = audio_representation_names_in_recipe[kwa['type']] obj.append(audio_class(data=it[dn], annot=annot, **kwa)) if len(obj) == 1: obj = obj[0] audio_objs.append(obj) if stack: audio_objs = audio_class.stack(audio_objs) return audio_objs
def _infer_unique_labels(selections): ''' Helper function for the `create_database` function. Attempts to infer unique labels from the selection table. Args: selections: pandas DataFrame Selection table Returns: : numpy array List of unique labels. None, if the labels could not be inferred. ''' if 'label' in selections.columns.values: return np.sort(pd.unique(selections.label.ravel('K'))) else: warnings.warn("Labels could not be inferred because the selection table "\ "does not contain a column named 'label'. The database will be created "\ "without labels. Note that this may cause issues if the database is supposed "\ "to be used as a training or test set for machine learning.") return None def _is_nested_dict(x): """ Helper function for the `create_database` function. Determines if the input is a nested dictionary. Args: x: dict Input Returns: : bool True if `x` is a nested dictionary. """ return isinstance(x, dict) and isinstance(list(x.values())[0], dict)
[docs]def create_database(output_file, data_dir, selections, channel=0, audio_repres={'type': Waveform}, annotations=None, unique_labels=None, dataset_name=None, table_name='data', max_size=None, verbose=True, progress_bar=True, discard_wrong_shape=False, allow_resizing=1, include_source=True, include_label=True, include_attrs=False, attrs=None, index_cols=None, mode='a', create_dir=True): """ Create a database from a selection table. Note that all selections must have the same duration. This is necessary to ensure that all the objects stored in the database have the same dimension. If each selection is chacterized by a single, integer label, these should be included as a column named 'label' in the selection table. In the more general case, where each selection is associated with a set of annotations (as opposed to a single, integer label), the annotation table must be passed using the 'annotations' argument. The annotations will be saved to a separate table within the database, with a field named 'data_index' linking each annotation to a selection in the data table. Note that the selection table, and the annotation table, if provided, must both adhere to the Ketos standard, as defined in the :ref:`selection_table` module. If 'dataset_name' is not specified, the name of the folder containing the audio files ('data_dir') will be used. Warnings will be printed if the method encounters problems loading/writing audio data or if the start/end time of a selection is outside the range of the audio file. The warnings can be suppressed by setting `verbose=False`. Args: output_file:str The name of the HDF5 file in which the data will be stored. Can include the path (e.g.:'/home/user/data/database_abc.h5'). If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the file already exists, new data will be appended to it. data_dir:str Path to folder containing \*.wav files, or .tar archive file. selections: pandas DataFrame or list Selection table. channel: int For stereo recordings, this can be used to select which channel to read from audio_repres: dict or list A dictionary containing the parameters used to generate the spectrogram or waveform segments. See for details on the required and optional fields for each type of signal. It is also possible to specify one or several audio representations as a nested dictionary, in which case the dictionary keys are used as column names in the output table. annotations: pandas DataFrame Annotation table. Optional. Should be used if each selection is associated with a set of annotations (as opposed to a single, integer label). Must have the standard ketos form. unique_labels: list(int) List of labels occurring in the dataset. If not specified, the labels will be inferred from the selections or the annotations. dataset_name:str Name of the node (HDF5 group) within the database (e.g.: 'train') Under this node, two tables will be created, 'data' and 'data_annot', containing the data samples (spectrograms and/or waveforms) and the annotations associated with each sample, respectively. table_name: str Table name. Default is 'data'. max_size: int Maximum size of output database file in bytes. If file exceeds this size, it will be split up into several files with _000, _001, etc, appended to the filename. The default values is max_size=1E9 (1 Gbyte). If None, no restriction is imposed on the file size (i.e. the file is never split). verbose: bool Print relevant information during execution such as no. of files written to disk progress_bar: bool Show progress bar. discard_wrong_shape: bool Discard objects that do not have the same shape as previously saved objects. Default is False. allow_resizing: int If the object shape differs from previously saved objects, the object will be resized using the resize method of the scikit-image package, provided the mismatch is no greater than allow_resizing in either dimension. include_source: bool If True, the name of the wav file from which the waveform or spectrogram was generated and the offset within that file, is saved to the table. Default is True. include_label: bool Include integer label column in data table. Default is True. include_attrs: bool If True, load data from attribute columns in the selection table. Default is False. attrs: list(str) Specify the names of the attribute columns that you wish to load data from. Overwrites include_attrs if specified. If None, all columns will be loaded provided that include_attrs=True. index_cols: str og list(str) Create indices for the specified columns in the data table to allow for faster queries. For example, `index_cols="filename"` or `index_cols=["filename", "label"]` mode: str The mode to open the file. It can be one of the following: `w`: Write; a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). `a`: Append; an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. This is the default. `r+`: It is similar to `a`, but the file must already exist. create_dir: bool If the output directory does not exist, it will be automatically created. Default is True. Only applies if the mode is `w` or `a`, """ # attempt to automatically infer unique labels if unique_labels is None: unique_labels = _infer_unique_labels(selections) audio_repres = copy.deepcopy(audio_repres) # if audio_repres is a nested dictionary, if _is_nested_dict(audio_repres): data_name = [key for key in audio_repres.keys()] # use the keys as names for the data fields representation = [audio_repres[key].pop("type") for key in audio_repres.keys()] # retrieve the type (class) to pass to the Audio Loader representation_params = [values for values in audio_repres.values()] # retrieve the parameters for each class else: data_name = None if isinstance(audio_repres, list): # these are dicts in a list representation = [repres.pop("type") for repres in audio_repres] # retrieve the type (class) to pass to the Audio Loader representation_params = [repres for repres in audio_repres] # retrieve the parameters for each class else: representation = audio_repres.pop("type") # retrieve the type (class) to pass to the Audio Loader representation_params = audio_repres # the parameters for the single class #Convert the DataFrame to use best possible dtypes (to avoid mixed types) selections = selections.convert_dtypes() # initialize an audio loader loader = al.AudioLoader(selection_gen=al.SelectionTableIterator(data_dir=data_dir, selection_table=selections, include_attrs=include_attrs, attrs=attrs), channel=channel, annotations=annotations, representation=representation, representation_params=representation_params) # if the group path is not specified, use the name of the data directory if dataset_name is None: dataset_name = os.path.basename(data_dir) path_to_dataset = dataset_name if dataset_name.startswith('/') else '/' + dataset_name # initialize a writer annot_type = "weak" if annotations is None else "strong" writer = AudioWriter(output_file=output_file, max_size=max_size, verbose=verbose, mode=mode, discard_wrong_shape=discard_wrong_shape, allow_resizing=allow_resizing, include_source=include_source, include_label=include_label, data_name=data_name, index_cols=index_cols, create_dir=create_dir, table_path=path_to_dataset, table_name=table_name, annot_type=annot_type, include_attrs=include_attrs) # loop over all selections and write to database for i in tqdm(range(loader.num()), disable = not progress_bar): try: x = next(loader) except Exception as e: print(e) #skip current file if problem occurse continue try: writer.write(x) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(f"While writing entry {loader.counter}, Message: {str(e)}", category=UserWarning) if unique_labels is not None: writer.write_attr("unique_labels", unique_labels) writer.close()
[docs]class AudioWriter(): """ Saves waveform or spectrogram objects to a database file (\*.h5). If the combined size of the saved data exceeds max_size (1 GB by default), the output database file will be split into several files, with _000, _001, etc, appended to the filename. Args: output_file: str Full path to output database file (\*.h5) max_size: int Maximum size of output database file in bytes. If file exceeds this size, it will be split up into several files with _000, _001, etc, appended to the filename. The default values is max_size=1E9 (1 Gbyte). If None, no restriction is imposed on the file size (i.e. the file is never split). verbose: bool Print relevant information during execution such as no. of files written to disk mode: str The mode to open the file. It can be one of the following: `w`: Write; a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). This is the default. `a`: Append; an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. `r+`: It is similar to `a`, but the file must already exist. discard_wrong_shape: bool Discard objects that do not have the same shape as previously saved objects. Default is False. allow_resizing: int If the object shape differs from previously saved objects, the object will be resized using the resize method of the scikit-image package, provided the mismatch is no greater than allow_resizing in either dimension. include_source: bool If True, the name of the wav file from which the waveform or spectrogram was generated and the offset within that file, is saved to the table. Default is True. include_label: bool Include integer label column in data table. Default is True. include_attrs: bool If True, attributes returned by the `get_instance_attrs()` method will also be saved to the table. Default is True. max_filename_len: int Maximum allowed length of filename. Only used if include_source is True. data_name: str or list(str) Name(s) of the data columns. If None is specified, the data column is named 'data', or 'data0', 'data1', ... if the table contains multiple data columns. create_dir: bool If the output directory does not exist, it will be automatically created. Default is True. Only applies if the mode is `w` or `a`, annot_type: str Specify the annotation type. Options are `weak` and `strong`. If not specified, the type will be inferred from the first instance to be written to the database file. For weakly labelled data, a extra column named `label` is include in the data table. For strongly labelled data, the annotations are saved to a separate table. table_path: str Path to the group containing the table table_name: str Name of the table Attributes: base: str Output filename base ext: str Output filename extension (\*.h5) file: tables.File Database file file_counter: int Keeps track of how many files have been written to disk item_counter: int Keeps track of how many audio objects have been written to files path: str Path to table within database filesystem name: str Name of table max_size: int Maximum size of output database file in bytes If file exceeds this size, it will be split up into several files with _000, _001, etc, appended to the filename. The default values is max_size=1E9 (1 Gbyte). Disabled if writing in 'append' mode. verbose: bool Print relevant information during execution such as files written to disk mode: str The mode to open the file. It can be one of the following: `w`: Write; a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). `a`: Append; an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. `r+`: It is similar to `a`, but the file must already exist. discard_wrong_shape: bool Discard objects that do not have the same shape as previously saved objects. Default is False. allow_resizing: int If the object shape differs from previously saved objects, the object will be resized using the resize method of the scikit-image package, provided the mismatch is no greater than allow_resizing in either dimension. num_ignore: int Number of ignored objects data_shape: tuple Data shape include_source: bool If True, the name of the wav file from which the waveform or spectrogram was generated and the offset within that file, is saved to the table. Default is True. include_label: bool Include integer label column in data table. Default is True. include_attrs: bool If True, attributes returned by the `get_instance_attrs()` method will also be saved to the table. Default is True. filename_len: int Maximum allowed length of filename. Only used if include_source is True. data_name: str or list(str) Name(s) of the data columns. If None is specified, the data column is named 'data', or 'data0', 'data1', ... if the table contains multiple data columns. index_cols: str og list(str) Create indices for the specified columns in the data table to allow for faster queries. For example, `index_cols="filename"` or `index_cols=["filename", "label"]` create_dir: bool If the output directory does not exist, it will be automatically created. Default is True. Only applies if the mode is `w` or `a`, annot_type: str Annotation type. Options are `weak` and `strong`. If not specified, the type will be inferred from the first instance to be written to the database file. For strongly labelled data, the annotations are saved to a separate table. """ def __init__(self, output_file, max_size=1E9, verbose=False, mode='w', discard_wrong_shape=False, allow_resizing=1, include_source=True, include_label=True, include_attrs=True, max_filename_len=100, data_name=None, index_cols=None, create_dir=True, annot_type=None, table_path='/', table_name='audio'): self.base = output_file[:output_file.rfind('.')] self.ext = output_file[output_file.rfind('.'):] self.file = None self.file_counter = 0 self.max_size = max_size self.path = table_path = table_name self.verbose = verbose self.mode = mode self.item_counter = 0 self.num_discarded = 0 self.num_resized = 0 self.data_shape = None self.discard_wrong_shape = discard_wrong_shape self.allow_resizing = allow_resizing self.include_source = include_source self.include_label = include_label self.include_attrs = include_attrs self.filename_len = max_filename_len self.data_name = data_name self.create_dir = create_dir self.annot_type = annot_type if index_cols is None: self.index_cols = [] elif isinstance(index_cols, str): self.index_cols = [index_cols] else: self.index_cols = index_cols
[docs] def set_table(self, path, name): """ Change the current table Args: path: str Path to the group containing the table name: str Name of the table """ self.path = path = name
[docs] def write_attr(self, attr_name, attr_value, path=None, name=None): """ Write attribute to a table in the database file If path and name are not specified, the object will be saved to the current directory (as set with the cd() method). See for details on how various Python types are saved as attributes to HDF5 tables. Args: attr_name: str Attribute name attr_value: Value to be saved path: str Path to the group containing the table name: str Name of the table """ if path is None: path = self.path if name is None: name = self.set_table(path, name) self._open_file() tbl_dict = self._open_tables(path=path, name=name) for _,tbl in tbl_dict.items(): setattr(tbl.attrs, attr_name, attr_value)
[docs] def write(self, x, path=None, name=None): """ Write waveform or spectrogram object to a table in the database file If path and name are not specified, the object will be saved to the current directory (as set with the cd() method). Args: x: instance of BaseAudio or list Object(s) to be saved path: str Path to the group containing the table name: str Name of the table """ if not isinstance(x, list): x = [x] if path is None: path = self.path if name is None: name = self.set_table(path, name) # ensure a file is open self._open_file() # record shape of first audio object if self.item_counter == 0: self._save_shape(x) # open tables, create if they do not already exist tbl_dict = self._open_tables(path=path, name=name, x=x) # resize, if needed and allowed do_write = 1 for i in range(len(x)): shape_diff = np.abs(np.subtract(x[i].data.shape, self.data_shape[i])) if np.sum(shape_diff) > 0 and np.all(shape_diff <= self.allow_resizing): x[i].data = resize(x[i].data, self.data_shape[i], anti_aliasing=True) self.num_resized += 1 if x[i].data.shape != self.data_shape[i] and self.discard_wrong_shape: do_write = False # write spectrogram to table if do_write: write(x=x, **tbl_dict) self.item_counter += 1 # close file if size reaches limit siz = self.file.get_filesize() if self.max_size is not None and siz > self.max_size: self.close(final=False) else: self.num_discarded += 1
def _save_shape(self, x): """ Record the shape of the data Args: x: list of BaseAudio objects and numpy arrays Object(s) to be saved """ self.data_shape = [] for xx in x: if isinstance(xx, np.ndarray): self.data_shape.append(xx.shape) else: self.data_shape.append(
[docs] def close(self, final=True): """ Close the currently open database file, if any Args: final: bool If True, this instance of AudioWriter will not be able to save more spectrograms to file """ if self.file is not None: actual_fname = self.file.filename # create index for data_index column in annotation # table to allow faster queries # tbl_dict = self._open_tables(path=self.path, if 'table_annot' in tbl_dict.keys(): tbl_dict['table_annot'].cols.data_index.remove_index() #does nothing if the column is not already indexed. tbl_dict['table_annot'].cols.data_index.create_index() # create user-specified indices for index_col in self.index_cols: if index_col in tbl_dict['table'].cols._v_colnames: tbl_dict['table'].cols._f_col(index_col).remove_index() #does nothing if the column is not already indexed. tbl_dict['table'].cols._f_col(index_col).create_index() else: if self.verbose: print(' Warning: Attempting to build index for column {index_col} which does not exist. Ignore.') self.file.close() self.file = None if final and self.file_counter == 1: fname = self.base + self.ext os.rename(actual_fname, fname) else: fname = actual_fname if self.verbose: plural = ['', 's'] print('{0} item{1} saved to {2}'.format(self.item_counter, plural[self.item_counter > 1], fname)) if self.num_discarded > 0: print('Discarded {0} objects due to shape mismatch'.format(self.num_discarded)) if self.num_resized > 0: print('Resized {0} objects due to shape mismatch'.format(self.num_resized)) self.item_counter = 0
def _open_tables(self, path, name, x=None): """ Open the specified table. If the table does not exist, create it. (This requires that x is specified) Args: path: str Path to the group containing the table name: str Name of the table x: list of BaseAudio objects and numpy arrays Object(s) to be saved Returns: tbl_dict: dict Data and annotation tables in a dictionary """ if path == '/': fullpath = path + name elif path[-1] == '/': fullpath = path + name path = path[:-1] else: fullpath = path + '/' + name if fullpath in self.file: tbl_dict = {'table': self.file.get_node(path, name)} if fullpath+'_annot' in self.file: tbl_dict['table_annot'] = self.file.get_node(path, name+'_annot') elif x is not None: if self.annot_type is None: annot_type, freq_range = self._detect_annot_type(x) else: annot_type = self.annot_type freq_range = (annot_type == "strong") if self.include_attrs: attrs = self._create_attr_list(x) else: attrs = [] descr, self.data_name = table_description(data_shape=x, include_label=self.include_label, include_source=self.include_source, attrs=attrs, filename_len=self.filename_len, data_name=self.data_name, return_data_name=True) tbl = create_table(h5file=self.file, path=path, name=name, description=descr, data_name=self.data_name) tbl_dict = {'table': tbl} if annot_type == 'strong': descr_annot = table_description_annot(freq_range=freq_range) tbl_annot = create_table(h5file=self.file, path=path, name=name+'_annot', description=descr_annot) tbl_dict['table_annot'] = tbl_annot else: tbl_dict = None return tbl_dict def _open_file(self): """ Open a new database file, if none is open """ if self.file is None: if self.mode == 'a': fname = self.base + self.ext else: fname = self.base + '_{:03d}'.format(self.file_counter) + self.ext self.file = open_file(path=fname, mode=self.mode, create_dir=self.create_dir) self.file_counter += 1 def _detect_annot_type(self, x): """ Detect the annotation type (weak or strong) """ if x[0].get_annotations() is None: annot_type = 'weak' freq_range = False else: annot_type = 'strong' freq_range = ('freq_min' in x[0].get_annotations().columns) return annot_type, freq_range def _create_attr_list(self, x): """ Create list of attributes to be included in table description """ attrs = x[0].get_instance_attrs() attr_list = [] for key,value in attrs.items(): if key in ['filename','offset','label']: continue attr = {} attr['name'] = key if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): attr['shape'] = value.shape attr['type'] = str(value.dtype) elif isinstance(value, (str,dt.datetime,np.datetime64)): attr['shape'] = self.filename_len attr['type'] = 'str' elif isinstance(value, float): attr['shape'] = () attr['type'] = 'float' elif isinstance(value, (int,np.int32,np.int64)): attr['shape'] = () attr['type'] = 'int' else: warnings.warn(f'Warning: attribute {key} with type {type(value)} cannot be saved to table', UserWarning) continue attr_list.append(attr) return attr_list