Installation ===================================== Kedgi is most easily installed and manageable using the Anaconda package manager. The installation package can be found via, choose the python 3.7 version. Anacondas provide several distributions for major Operation Systems, and give very detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set it up. However, when installing tha Anaconda, the installer would prompt that it is not recommended to check the ``Add Anaconda3 to my Path Variable``. But for sake of the simplicity for using Windows Bash scripts, we require you to check ``Add Anaconda3 to my Path Variable``. **Please Note** 1. If you fail to **check** the ``Add Anaconda3 to my PATH variable`` during the installation stage, you need to use File Explorer and navigate to ``C:/Users/your_username/anaconda3/Scripts``. Then you can copy the folder path from the address bar and add it into system environment paths (In Window search box, type in ``environment path`` and click the ``Edit the system environment variables``. In the bottom area of the pop-up window, click the ``Environment Variables``. Again in the ``User variables`` panel, search for the ``Path`` row and click on it. When that section is highlighted, click ``Edit`` and then click ``New``. The last step is to paste the Anaconda 3 path you copied from address bar to new empty cell. You can test whether conda program has been correctly configured by typing ``conda`` in a separate Command line prompt.) 2. Additionally, it is worthwhile to mention if you happen to see errors like ``CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 Connection Failed during conda install with xxx``, it means you have to install openssl ( for Window system. After following the installer's instructions, you would have the Anaconda3 in place. In order to run the app, please follow the instructions below 1. Clone the project or download the zipped project files ` `_ :: git clone cd kedgi 2. Create and activate an Anaconda environment. 2.1 Window users 1. In File Explorer, locate the Kedgi project folder you just downloaded (or created) and go inside the Kedgi folder and then double-clicked on ``environment_setup_win.bat``. The successful message is shown as below: .. image:: _static/success_environment_setup.png :align: center 2. In same File Explorer window, double click the ``activate_app_win.bat`` and it will activate the app. .. image:: _static/success_app_activation.png :align: center 2.2 Unix/MacOS users :: sh sh You are now done with the installation and you can access the application at ``http://localhost:5000``