For Developers ================ Kedgi requires the classifiers or detectors to have uniform format to avoid any potential incompatibility. The detector/classifier ought to be saved in **archived file format** (file extensions include zip, rar, tar only) for better portability and distribution. The process of Kedgi consists of following steps: 1. Unzips the archived detector/classifier file 2. Invokes one thread to run the classifier/detector, and use thread pipeline to capture the output and forward to the frontend The toy_detector (can be found within this project) examplifies the basic structure of the detector/classifier folder and it has following structure: toy_detector_1/ 1. The main entry to the detector program, accepts inputs, load relevant data and generate output (**Please Note: The script has to be named as otherwise kedgi is not able to find your detector file.**) 2. cli_conf.json It lists all the CLI arguments, their usages as well as their default values 3. settings.json It is the place for extra task related configuration 4. spec_conf.json It is specific to the configuration of spectrogram visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Parse input arguments** .. code-block:: python :linenos: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Toy Detector Example 1 for Kedgi Application ") parser.add_argument('--audio_folder', type=str, default=None, help='path to the folder containing the audio files listed in --input_list. Not relevant if using --hdf5_input') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, default=None, help='the .csv file where the detections will be saved') parser.add_argument('--step_size', type=float, default=0.5, help='step size (in seconds) used when ovelapping the spectrograms') parser.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, default=0.5, help='minimum score value for a segment to be considered as a detection (ranging from 0 to 1)') parser.add_argument('--show_progress', type=bool, default=True, help='Show progress bar and estimated time of completion') args = parser.parse_args() The above code snippet translates the input arguments stated in the cli_conf.json file to the program variables. It is **mandatory** for every script. **Note**: currently the dataset for this toy_detector_1 is available within the same directory. But in real cases, the dataset might be in other locations. **Specifying the right directory path for your files** Example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: spec_config = load_audio_representation(os.path.join(sys.path[0],'spec_conf.json'), name='spectrogram') The above code snippet reads the input argument from the spec_conf.json. And you could see the use of ``sys.path[0]`` here, because the working directory is the directory from where Kedgi app is called (not the detector directory). In other words, you will receive a 'File not found' error if you do not specify this parameter because the current script will try to search the ``spec_conf.json`` file inside the folder of kedgi app instead of the current folder. **Note**: If you want to use any files in the detector folder, please includes ``sys.path[0]`` as the prefix to them. cli_conf.json ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It contains the arguments to be parsed in the above script. It has two main properties: 1. ``type``: tells what the type of file it is, 2. ``cli_opts``: object. A array-like inputs with all the CLI commands useful for the application. **NOTE**, ``--audio_folder`` and ``--output`` are required parameters telling the input dataset and output file. .. code-block:: python :linenos: { "type": "cli_opts", "cli_opts": [ { "param": "--audio_folder", "default_val": "", "description": "path to the folder containing the audio files " }, { "param": "--output", "default_val": "", "description": "the .csv file where the detections will be saved" }, { "param": "--threshold", "default_val": 0.5, "description": "minimum score value for a segment to be considered as a detection (ranging from 0 to 1)" }, { "param": "--step_size", "default_val": 0.5, "description": "step size (in seconds) used when ovelapping the spectrograms" } ] } settings.json ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It contains extra parameters that would be used by the detector. Similarly it requires two properties: 1. ``type``: tell what the type of file it is, 2. ``settings``: object. A key-value object. .. code-block:: python :linenos: { "type": "settings", "settings": {} } spec_conf.json ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This file stores the configuration of spectrogram. It has two entries: 1. ``type``: indicates the file type, 2. ``spectrogram``: object. A key-value object has configurations of the spectrogram. .. code-block:: python :linenos: { "type": "spectrogram", "spectrogram": { "rate": "1000 Hz", "window": "0.256 s", "step": "0.032 s", "freq_min": "0 Hz", "freq_max": "500 Hz", "window_func": "hamming", "type": "MagSpectrogram" } }