Parabolic Equation
This module contains methods for numerically solving the parabolic wave equation of Thomson and Chapman.
- class kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.Grid(dr, r_max, dz, z_max, dq=None, q_max=6.283185307179586, q=None)[source]
Regular grid in cylindrical coordinates r,q,z, where
r: radial coordinate (distance) in meters
z: vertical coordinate (depth) in meters
q: azimuthal coordinate (angle) in radians
Note: The sea surface is at z = 0. We use positive z values below the sea surface and negative values above.
- Args:
- dr: float
Radial grid spacing in meters
- r_max: float
Radial range in meters
- dz: float
Vertical grid spacing in meters
- z_max: float
Vertical range in meters
- dq: float
Angular grid spacing in radians
- q_max: float
Angular range in radians
- q: float, list or numpy.array
Angular coordinates in radians. If specified, dq and q_max are ignored.
- Attrs:
- dr: float
Radial grid spacing in meters
- r: numpy.array
Radial coordinates in meters
- nr: int
Number of radial grid points
- dz: float
Vertical grid spacing in meters
- z: numpy.array
Vertical coordinates in meters
- nz: int
Number of vertical grid points
- dq: float
Angular grid spacing in radians
- q: numpy.array
Angular coordinates in radians
- nq: int
Number of angular grid points
- kz: numpy.array
Vertical wavenumber coordinates in inverse meters
- below: numpy.array
Indices of z axis corresponding to values below (z>=0) the surface
- q_qz, z_qz: numpy.array
Coordinates of q-z meshgrid
- below_qz: numpy.array
Indices of q-z meshgrid corresponding to values below (z>=0) the surface
- class kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.TransmissionLoss(freq, bathy_func, bathy_deriv_func, sound_speed_func, bottom, propagation_range=50, angular_bin=10, c0=1500, **kwargs)[source]
Compute the transmission loss by solving the parabolic wave equation.
The seafloor acoustic properties are specified in a dictionary with the following keys,
sound_speed (bottom sound speed in m/s)
density (bottom density in g/cm3)
attenuation (bottom attenuation in dB/lambda)
Keyword arguments can be used to specify the computational grid
.- Args:
- freq: float
Frequency in Hz
- bathy_func: function
Bathymetry interpolation function in variables x,y
- bathy_deriv_func: function
Bathymetry derivative interpolation function in variables x,y
- sound_speed_func: function
Sound speed interpolation function in variables x,y,z
- bottom: dict
Seafloor acoutic properties. Must contain the keys ‘sound_speed’, ‘density’, and ‘attenuation’.
- propagation_range: float
Propagation range in km. Default is 50 km.
- angular_bin: float
Angular bin size in degrees. Default is 10 degrees.
- c0: float
Reference sound speed in m/s
- source_depth: array-like
Source depths in meters.
- calc(source_depth=None, rec_depth=[0.1], vertical=False, aperture=86, progress_bar=True, nz_max=250, nr_max=250, size_limit=True, return_field=False)[source]
Calculate the transmission loss in the horizontal plane at the specified depth(s).
- Args:
- source_depth: array-like
Source depths in meters
- rec_depth: array-like
Receiver depths in meters
- vertical: array-like
Compute the transmission loss in the vertical plane. Note: This will slow down the computation.
- aperture: float
Half-beamwidth of the starter field in degrees.
- progress_bar: bool
Show progress bar. Default is True
- nz_max: int
Maximum number of vertical bins for output arrays
- nr_max: int
Maximum number of radial bins for output arrays
- size_limit: bool
Limit of the size of the output arrays to the dimensions specified in nz_max and nr_max. If False, nz_max and nr_max have no effect
- return_field: bool
Instead of returning the transmission loss, TL, return the complex pressure field, f, where TL = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(f)). Default is False.
- Returns:
- tl_h: numpy.array
Transmission loss in dB in the horizontal plane; has shape (len(source_depth), len(rec_depth), len(q), len(r)).
- ax_h: dict
Axes of the horizontal transmission loss array, (source_depth, rec_depth, q, r). q and r are the azimuthal and radial coordinate axes.
- tl_v: numpy.array
Transmission loss in dB in the vertical plane; has shape (len(source_depth), len(z), len(r), len(q)). Only returned if vertical is True.
- ax_v: dict
Axes of the vertical transmission loss array, (source_depth, z, r, q). z and r are the vertical and radial coordinate axes. q is the azimuthal axes. Only returned if vertical is True.
- plot_horiz(source_depth_idx=0, rec_depth_idx=0)[source]
Plot the transmission loss on a horizontal plane in polar coordinates.
- Args:
- source_depth_idx: int
Source depth index
- rec_depth_idx: int
Receive depth index
- Returns:
- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
A figure object.
- plot_vert(angle=0, source_depth_idx=0, show_bathy=True, max_depth=None, show_ssp=False)[source]
Plot the transmission loss on a vertical plane in carthesian coordinates.
- Args:
- angle: float
Angle in degrees
- source_depth_idx: int
Source depth index
- show_bathy: bool
Superimpose bathymetry on plot
- show_ssp: bool
Superimpose sound speed profile on plot
- Returns:
- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure
A figure object.
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.artificial_absorp(z, z_max, D, alpha)[source]
Compute complex term, to be added to the square of the index of refraction in order to simulate the effect of an artificial absorption layer at the bottom of the physical domain.
- Args:
- z: numpy.array
Depth values in meters
- z_max: float
Maximum depth in meters
- D: float
Characteristic width of the absorption layer in meters
- alpha: float
Attenuation coefficient
- Returns:
- : numpy.array
Absorption term, to be added to the square of the physical index of refraction.
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.complex_sound_speed(c, alpha)[source]
Computes complex sound speed representing the effect of volume attenuation.
- Args:
- c: array-like
Sound speed in m/s
- alpha: float
Attenuation coefficient in dB/lambda
- Returns:
- ci: array-like
Complex sound speed term
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.eff_index_refr_sq(z, zb, dzb2, k0, L, n2, n2b, r, rb, return_density=False)[source]
Compute the effective index of refraction squared.
- Args:
- z: numpy.array
Depth values in meters
- zb: numpy.array
Seafloor depth in meters
- dzb2: numpy.array
Gradient of the seafloor depth squared
- k0: float
Reference wavenumber in inverse meters
- L: float
Characteristic smoothing length in meters
- n2: numpy.array
Water refractive index squared
- n2b: numpy.array
Bottom refractive index squared
- r: numpy.array
Water density in g/cm^3
- rb: numpy.array
Bottom density in g/cm^3
- return_density: bool
Return the smoothened density array. Default is False.
- Returns:
- n2e: numpy.array
Effective index of refraction squared
- rs: numpy.array
Smoothened density. Only returned if return_density is True.
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.index_refr_sq(c0, c, alpha=0)[source]
Compute index of refraction.
If alpha > 0, the index of refraction receives a complex term, which represents the effect of volume attenuation.
- Args:
- c0: float
Reference sound speed in m/s
- c: array-like
Sound speed in m/s
- alpha: float
Attenuation coefficient in dB/lambda
- Returns:
- n2: array-like
Index of refraction squared
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.prop_defr(x, k0, kz, nq)[source]
Compute the defractive propagation matrix, U_D.
- Args:
- x: float
Step size in meters
- k0: float
Reference wavenumber in inverse meters
- kz: array-like
Vertical wavenumber in inverse meters
- nq: int
Number of angular bins
- Returns:
- U: numpy.array
Defractive propagation matrix, has shape (1,nz,nq)
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.prop_refr(x, k0, n)[source]
Compute the refractive propagation matrix, U_R.
- Args:
- x: float
Step size in meters
- k0: float
Reference wavenumber in inverse meters
- n: numpy.array
Index of refraction, has shape (nz,nq)
- Returns:
- U: numpy.array
Refractive propagation matrix, has shape (1,nz,nq)
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.smooth_density(z, zb, dzb2, L, r, rb)[source]
Smoothen the density transition from the water column to the bottom layer and compute first and second derivatives.
- Args:
- z: numpy.array
Depth values in meters
- zb: numpy.array
Seafloor depth in meters
- dzb2: numpy.array
Gradient of the seafloor depth squared
- L: float
Characteristic smoothing length in meters
- r: numpy.array
Water density in g/cm^3
- rb: numpy.array
Bottom density in g/cm^3
- Returns:
- rs: numpy.array
Density in g/cm^3, with smooth transition from water to bottom
- dr2: numpy.array
Square of density gradient in (g/cm^3/m)^2
- d2r: numpy.array
Divergence of density gradient (g/cm^3/m^2)
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.smooth_index_refr(z, zb, n2, n2b, L)[source]
Smoothen the index of refraction from the water column to the bottom layer.
- Args:
- z: numpy.array
Depth values in meters
- zb: numpy.array
Seafloor depth in meters
- n2: numpy.array
Index of refraction squared in water
- n2b: numpy.array
Index of refraction squared in bottom
- L: float
Characteristic smoothing length in meters
- Returns:
- : numpy.array
Index of refraction squared, with smooth transition from water to bottom
- kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.thomson_starter(k0, kz, dz, zs, theta1)[source]
Compute Thomson starter field \psi (0, k_z) as defined in Jensen Sec.
- Args:
- k0: float
Reference wavenumber in inverse meters
- kz: numpy.array
Vertical wavenumber in inverse meters
- dz: float
Vertical bin size in meters
- zs: array-like
Source depth(s) in meters
- theta1: float
Half-beamwidth in radians
- Returns:
- psi: numpy array
Starter field, \psi (0, k_z). Has shape (len(zs), len(kz), 1)
- Example:
>>> import numpy as np >>> from kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation import Grid, thomson_starter >>> >>> # Create a grid with depth of 500 m, range of 1 km, >>> # and grid spacings of 100 meters and 10 degrees >>> grid = Grid(100., 1000., 100., 500., 10.*np.pi/180.) >>> >>> # compute Thomson starter field with an aperture of 86 degrees, >>> # for a reference wavenumber of 0.04 m^-1 and a source depth of 9 meters, >>> psi = thomson_starter(k0=0.04,,, zs=9, theta1=86*np.pi/180.) >>> psi = np.round(psi, 4) # round to 4 decimals >>> print(psi[0]) [[ 0. +0.j ] [ 0.0101-0.0101j] [ 0.0205-0.0205j] [ 0.0319-0.0319j] [ 0.0451-0.0451j] [ 0. +0.j ] [-0.0451+0.0451j] [-0.0319+0.0319j] [-0.0205+0.0205j] [-0.0101+0.0101j]]