How to contribute ================= We welcome contributions! You can help by: * Suggesting new features * Reporting/fixing bugs * Adding features to the codebase * Expanding the testing suit * Improving the documentation How to Report Issues --------------------- When reporting issues, please include as many of the the following details as possible: * Which version of Kadlu you are using * The source code that generated the problem (if applicable) * Which platform you are using (Operating system and version) * A minimum example that reproduces the issue * What result you got * What you were expecting We use GitLab as a repository, so the best way to submit issues is through the `issues system `_. Merge Requests -------------- We welcome merge requests and additional features to the repository. The preferred style guide for new contributions is `PEP 8 `_. When creating a request, please include a single feature per merge, on a branch forked from master. For small updates, a description of the changes in the merge request is sufficient. For larger contributions please open a discussion thread in the issue tracker before merging. Please include tests for new features in the ``kadlu/tests`` directory - if a test generates or downloads new data, include cleanup code here as well. Finally, please run the tests before merging and ensure tests complete locally before submitting a merge request. Thank you for your contributions! Running the tests ----------------- Kadlu includes its own test suite. They are included in the /kadlu/tests/ directory. To run all tests, run: :: pytest --doctest-modules kadlu You can also specify a module: :: pytest kadlu/tests/geospatial/ File testing with the python debugger (PDB) ------------------------------------------------------ .. autofunction:: kadlu.test_files()