Source code for kadlu.utils

import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import as sio

# Equatorial radius (6,378.1370 km)
# Polar radius (6,356.7523 km)
# The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
# (IUGG) defines the mean radius (denoted R1) to be
# 6,371.009 km
R1_IUGG = 6371009

# Degree to radian conversion factor
deg2rad = np.pi / 180.

[docs]def center_point(lat, lon): """ centerpoint of lat/lon bounds """ if isinstance(lat, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): return (min(lat) + max(lat)) / 2, (min(lon) + max(lon)) / 2 return lat, lon
[docs]def DLDL_over_DXDY(lat, lat_deriv_order, lon_deriv_order): """ Compute factor for transforming partial derivates in lat-lon to partial derivates in x-y. Args: lat: float or array Latitude of the positions(s) where the derivatives are to be evaluated lat_deriv_order: int Order of latitude-derivative lon_deriv_order: int Order of longitude-derivative Returns: ratio: float or array Factor for transforming partial derivates in lat-lon to partial derivates in x-y """ R = R1_IUGG R2 = R * np.cos(lat * deg2rad) m = lat_deriv_order n = lon_deriv_order if m + n == 0: return 1 ratio = 1 if m > 0: ratio *= np.power(1. / R, m) if n > 0: ratio *= np.power(1. / R2, n) return ratio
[docs]def LLtoXY(lat, lon, lat_ref=0, lon_ref=0, rot=0, grid=False, z=None, squeeze=True): """ Transform lat-lon coordinates to xy position coordinates. By default, the origin of the xy coordinate system is set to 0 deg latitude and 0 deg longitude. By default, the x-axis is aligned with the longitude axis (west to east) and the y-axis is aligned with the latitude axis (south to north). Args: lat: float or numpy array latitude coordinate of a the location(s) of interest in degrees lon: float or numpy array longitude coordinate of a the location(s) of interest in degrees lat_ref: float latitude reference coordinate in degrees lon_ref: float longitude reference coordinate in degrees rot: float Rotation angle in degrees for the xy coordinate system (clockwise rotation). squeeze: bool If output array has length 1, return float instead of array Returns: x: float or numpy array x position coordinates in meters y: float or numpy array y positions coordinates in meters """ global R1_IUGG, deg2rad if grid: if z is None: lat, lon = np.meshgrid(lat, lon) else: lat, lon, z = np.meshgrid(lat, lon, z) else: if np.ndim(lat) == 0: lat = np.array([lat]) if np.ndim(lon) == 0: lon = np.array([lon]) if isinstance(lat, list): lat = np.array(lat) if isinstance(lon, list): lon = np.array(lon) assert lat.shape[0] == lon.shape[ 0], 'lat and lon must have same length' R = R1_IUGG R2 = R * np.cos(lat_ref * deg2rad) x = (lon - lon_ref) * deg2rad * R2 y = (lat - lat_ref) * deg2rad * R if rot != 0: s = np.sin(rot * deg2rad) c = np.cos(rot * deg2rad) rotmat = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) xy = np.array([x, y]) xy = np.swapaxes(xy, 0, 1) xy = x = xy[:, 0] y = xy[:, 1] if len(x) == 1 and squeeze: x = float(x) y = float(y) if z is None: return x, y else: return x, y, z
[docs]def XYtoLL(x, y, lat_ref=0, lon_ref=0, rot=0, grid=False, z=None, squeeze=True): """ Transform xy position coordinates to lat-lon coordinates. By default, the origin of the xy coordinate system is set to 0 deg latitude and 0 deg longitude. By default, the x-axis is aligned with the longitude axis (west to east) and the y-axis is aligned with the latitude axis (south to north). Args: x: float or numpy array x coordinate of a the location(s) of interest in meters y: float or numpy array y coordinate of a the location(s) of interest in meters lat_ref: float latitude reference coordinate in degrees lon_ref: float longitude reference coordinate in degrees rot: float Rotation angle in degrees for the xy coordinate system (clockwise rotation). squeeze: bool If output array has length 1, return float instead of array Returns: lat: float or numpy array latitude coordinates in degrees lon: float or numpy array longitude coordinates in degrees """ global R1_IUGG, deg2rad if grid: if z is None: x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) else: x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z) else: if np.ndim(x) == 0: x = np.array([x]) if np.ndim(y) == 0: y = np.array([y]) if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) if isinstance(y, list): y = np.array(y) assert x.shape[0] == y.shape[0], 'x and y must have same length' R = R1_IUGG R2 = R * np.cos(lat_ref * deg2rad) if rot != 0: s = np.sin(rot * deg2rad) c = np.cos(rot * deg2rad) rotmat = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]]) xy = np.array([x, y]) xy = np.swapaxes(xy, 0, 1) xy = x = xy[:, 0] y = xy[:, 1] lon = lon_ref + x / deg2rad / R2 lat = lat_ref + y / deg2rad / R if np.ndim(lat) == 1 and len(lat) == 1 and squeeze: lat = float(lat) if np.ndim(lon) == 1 and len(lon) == 1 and squeeze: lon = float(lon) if z is None: return lat, lon else: return lat, lon, z
[docs]def xdist(lon1, lon2, lat): R2 = R1_IUGG * np.cos(lat * deg2rad) d = np.abs(lon2 - lon1) * deg2rad * R2 return d
[docs]def ydist(lat1, lat2): d = np.abs(lat2 - lat1) * deg2rad * R1_IUGG return d
[docs]def torad(lat, lon): """ Convert latitute and longitude values from degrees to radians. The method expects the latitude to be in the range (-90,90) and the longitude to be in the range (-180,180). The output latitude is in the range (0,pi) and the output longitude is in the range (-pi,pi). Args: lat: float or array latitude(s) in degrees from -90 to +90. lon: float or array longitude(s) in degrees from -180 to +180. Returns: lat_rad: float or array latitude(s) in radians from 0 to pi. lon_rad: float or array longitude(s) in radians from -pi to pi. """ lat_rad = (lat + 90) * deg2rad lon_rad = lon * deg2rad return lat_rad, lon_rad
[docs]def get_slices(distance, num_slices=1, bins=100, angle=0): """ Generate x,y coordinates for equally spaced radial slices originating from (0,0). Args: distance: float Length of the radial slice. num_slices: int Number of slices bins: int Number of points per slice angle: float Angle of the first slice relative to the x-axis. Returns: x,y: list of numpy arrays x,y coordinate arrays for each slice """ x, y = list(), list() # distance array dr = distance / float(bins) r = np.arange(bins, dtype=float) r *= dr r += 0.5 * dr # loop over angles a = angle da = 360. / float(num_slices) for _ in range(num_slices): x.append(r * np.cos(a * np.pi / 180.)) y.append(r * np.sin(a * np.pi / 180.)) if num_slices == 1: x = x[0] y = y[0] return x, y
[docs]def interp_grid_1d(y, x=None, num_pts=math.inf, rel_err=None, method='linear'): """ Determine the optimal interpolation grid for the function y(x). The grid will in general not be uniform, as the grid points will be more densily clustered in regions where y(x) is changing more rapidly. Args: y: 1d numpy array y values x: 1d numpy array x values. If none are specified, they are assumed to be 0,1,2,... num_pts: int Number of grid points. If rel_err is specified, num_pts becomes the maximum possible number of grid points. rel_err: float Maximum deviation between the interpolation and y, relative to the range of values spanned by y. method: str Interpolation method Returns: a: 1d numpy array Indices of the grid points e: float Maximum relative error """ n = len(y) norm = np.max(y) - np.min(y) if x is None: x = np.arange(n) if num_pts == math.inf and rel_err is None: num_pts = 101 a = np.array([0, n - 1]) num = len(a) while num < num_pts: f = interp1d(x=x[a], y=y[a], kind=method) dev = np.abs(y - f(x)) a0 = np.argmax(dev) dev0 = dev[a0] e = dev0 / norm if rel_err is not None and e < rel_err: break else: a = np.append(a, a0) num = len(a) a = np.sort(a) return a, e
[docs]def load_data_from_file(path, val_name='bathy', lat_name='lat', lon_name='lon', lon_axis=1,\ south=-90, north=90, west=-180, east=180): """ Load geospatial data from a single file. Currently supported formats are NetCDF (*.nc) and MatLab (*.mat). The data can be cropped by speciyfing south/north/west/east boundaries. Args: path: str File path val_name: str Name of variable/field containing the data values lat_name: str Name of variable/field containing the latitude values lon_name: str Name of variable/field containing the longitude values lon_axis: int Specify if the longitude dimension is the second (1, default) or first (0) axis. south: float Southern boundary of the region of interest. north: float Northern boundary of the region of interest. west: float Western boundary of the region of interest. east: float Eastern boundary of the region of interest. Returns: val: 1d or 2d numpy array Data values lat: numpy array Latitude values lon: numpy array Longitude values """ # detect format ext = path[path.rfind('.'):] # load data if ext == '.nc': # NetCDF d = Dataset(path) val = np.array(d[val_name]) lat = np.array(d[lat_name]) lon = np.array(d[lon_name]) elif ext == '.mat': # MatLab d = sio.loadmat(path) val = np.array(d[val_name]) lat = np.squeeze(np.array(d[lat_name])) lon = np.squeeze(np.array(d[lon_name])) else: print('Unknown file format *{0}'.format(ext)) exit(1) # crop the region of interest grid = (np.ndim(val) == 2) indices, lat, lon = crop(lat, lon, south, north, west, east, grid=grid) val = val[indices] # ensure that lat and lon are strictly increasing if np.all(np.diff(lat) < 0): lat = np.flip(lat, axis=0) val = np.flip(val, axis=0) if np.all(np.diff(lon) < 0): lon = np.flip(lon, axis=0) val = np.flip(val, axis=1) # flip axes, if necessary if lon_axis == 0: val = np.swapaxes(val, 0, 1) # if axis size are inconsistent, try swapping if val.shape[0] != lat.shape[0]: val = np.swapaxes(val, 0, 1) return val, lat, lon
[docs]def crop(lat, lon, south, north, west, east, grid=False): """ Select rectangular region bounded by the geographical coordinates latlon_SW to the south-west and latlon_NE to the north-east. If grid is False, lat and lon must have the same length. Args: lat: 1d or 2d numpy array Latitude values lon: 1d or 2d numpy array Longitude values south: float Southern boundary of the region of interest. north: float Northern boundary of the region of interest. west: float Western boundary of the region of interest. east: float Eastern boundary of the region of interest. grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of lat and lon. Returns: ind: numpy array Selected indices. 1d if grid is False, 2d if grid is True. lat: numpy array Latitude values lon: numpy array Longitude values """ ind_lat = np.argwhere((lat >= south) & (lat <= north)) ind_lat = np.squeeze(ind_lat) ind_lon = np.argwhere((lon >= west) & (lon <= east)) ind_lon = np.squeeze(ind_lon) if np.ndim(ind_lat) == 2: latc = ind_lat[:, 0] + 1j * ind_lat[:, 1] lonc = ind_lon[:, 0] + 1j * ind_lon[:, 1] x = np.intersect1d(latc, lonc) xr = np.real(x) xi = np.imag(x) xr = xr.astype(int) xi = xi.astype(int) ind_lat = np.arange(np.min(xr), np.max(xr) + 1) ind_lon = np.arange(np.min(xi), np.max(xi) + 1) lat = lat[:, 0] lon = lon[0, :] ind = np.ix_(ind_lat, ind_lon) if grid: ind = np.ix_(ind_lat, ind_lon) else: ind = np.intersect1d(ind_lat, ind_lon) ind_lat = ind ind_lon = ind lat = lat[ind_lat] lon = lon[ind_lon] return ind, lat, lon
[docs]def create_boolean_array(n, step=1): arr = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool) if step == math.inf: arr[0] = True else: arr[::step] = True return arr
[docs]def toarray(x): if isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(x, int): x = [x] if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) return x