Source code for kadlu.sound.sound_speed

""" Sound speed module within the kadlu package
import gsw
import numpy as np
from kadlu.utils import interp_grid_1d
from kadlu.geospatial.interpolation import (
    # Interpolator2D,

[docs]def sound_speed_teos10(lats, lons, z, t, SP): """ Compute sound speed from temperature, salinity, and depth for a given latitude and longitude using the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater 2010. Args: lats: numpy array Latitudes (-90 to 90 degrees) lons: numpy array Longitudes (-180 to 180 degrees) z: numpy array Depths (meters) t: numpy array In-situ temperature (Celsius) SP: numpy array Practical Salinity (psu) Returns: c: numpy array Sound speed (m/s) """ p = gsw.p_from_z( z=-z, lat=lats) # sea pressure (gsw uses negative z below sea surface) SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lons, lats) # absolute salinity CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p) # conservative temperature c = gsw.density.sound_speed(SA=SA, CT=CT, p=p) return c
[docs]class SoundSpeed(): """ Class for handling computation and interpolation of sound speed. The sound speed can be specified via the argument ssp (sound speed profile) or computed from the ocean variables (temperature, salinity). ssp can be either a single value, in which case the sound speed is the same everywhere, or a tuple (c,z) where c is an array of sound speed values and z is an array of depths. The interp and interp_xyz method may be used to obtain the interpolated sound speed at any set of coordinates. Args: ocean: instance of :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean.Ocean` Ocean variables ssp: float or tuple Sound speed profile. May be specified either as a float, in which case the sound speed is the same everywhere, or as a tuple (c,z) where c is an array of sound speeds and z is an array of depth values. num_depths: int Number of depth values for the interpolation grid. The default value is 50. rel_err: float Maximum deviation of the interpolation, expressed as a ratio of the range of sound-speed values. The default value is 0.001. """ def __init__(self, ocean=None, ssp=None, num_depths=50, rel_err=1E-3): assert ocean is not None or ssp is not None, "ocean or ssp must be specified" if ssp is not None: if isinstance(ssp, tuple): self._interp = DepthInterpolator3D(values=ssp[0], depths=ssp[1]) else: self._interp = Uniform3D(values=ssp) else: lat_res, lon_res = self._lat_lon_res( ocean, default_res=1.0 ) #default resolution is 1 degree, approx 100 km # geographic boundaries S, N, W, E = ocean.boundaries['south'], ocean.boundaries[ 'north'], ocean.boundaries['west'], ocean.boundaries['east'] # lat and lon coordinates num_lats = max(3, int(np.ceil((N - S) / lat_res)) + 1) lats = np.linspace(S, N, num=num_lats) num_lons = max(3, int(np.ceil((E - W) / lon_res)) + 1) lons = np.linspace(W, E, num=num_lons) # compute depth coordinates depths = self._depth_coordinates(ocean, lats, lons, num_depths=num_depths, rel_err=rel_err) # interpolate temperature and salinity on lat,lon,depth grid t = ocean.temperature(lat=lats, lon=lons, depth=depths, grid=True) s = ocean.salinity(lat=lats, lon=lons, depth=depths, grid=True) # compute sound speed grid_shape = t.shape la, lo, de = np.meshgrid(lats, lons, depths) la = la.flatten() lo = lo.flatten() de = de.flatten() t = t.flatten() s = s.flatten() c = sound_speed_teos10(lats=la, lons=lo, z=de, t=t, SP=s) c = np.reshape(c, newshape=grid_shape) # create interpolator self._interp = Interpolator3D(values=c, lats=lats, lons=lons,\ depths=depths, origin=ocean.origin, method='linear') def _lat_lon_res(self, ocean, default_res): """ Determine lat,lon resolutions for interpolation grid Args: ocean: instance of :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean.Ocean` Ocean variables default_res: float Default resolution in degrees Returns: lat_res, lon_res: float,float Resolutions in degrees. """ temp_nodes = ocean.interps['temperature'].get_nodes() temp_lat, temp_lon = temp_nodes[1], temp_nodes[1] salinity_nodes = ocean.interps['salinity'].get_nodes() salinity_lat, salinity_lon = salinity_nodes[1], salinity_nodes[1] temp_lat_res = default_res if temp_lat is None else np.abs( temp_lat[1] - temp_lat[0]) temp_lon_res = default_res if temp_lon is None else np.abs( temp_lon[1] - temp_lon[0]) salinity_lat_res = default_res if salinity_lat is None else np.abs( salinity_lat[1] - salinity_lat[0]) salinity_lon_res = default_res if salinity_lon is None else np.abs( salinity_lon[1] - salinity_lon[0]) lat_res = min(temp_lat_res, salinity_lat_res) lon_res = min(temp_lon_res, salinity_lon_res) return lat_res, lon_res def _depth_coordinates(self, ocean, lats, lons, num_depths, rel_err): """ Compute depth coordinates for lat,lon,depth interpolation grid. Args: ocean: instance of :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean` Ocean variables lats,lons: numpy.array, numpy.array Latitude and longitude coordinates num_depths: int Number of depth values for the interpolation grid. The default value is 50. rel_err: float Maximum deviation of the interpolation, expressed as a ratio of the range of sound-speed values. The default value is 0.001. Returns: depths: numpy.array Depth coordinates """ seafloor_depth = ocean.bathymetry(lat=lats, lon=lons, grid=True) # find deepest point deepest_point = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(seafloor_depth), seafloor_depth.shape) # depth and lat,lon coordinates at deepest point max_depth = seafloor_depth[deepest_point] lat = lats[deepest_point[0]] lon = lons[deepest_point[1]] # compute temperature, salinity and sound speed for every 1 meter z = np.arange(0, int(np.ceil(max_depth)) + 1) t = ocean.temperature(lat=lat, lon=lon, depth=z, grid=True) s = ocean.salinity(lat=lat, lon=lon, depth=z, grid=True) c = sound_speed_teos10(lats=lat, lons=lon, z=z, t=t, SP=s) # determine grid indices, _ = interp_grid_1d(y=c, x=z, num_pts=num_depths, rel_err=rel_err) depths = z[indices] return depths
[docs] def interp(self, lat, lon, z, grid=False): """ Interpolate sound speed in spherical coordinates (lat-lon). lat,lot,z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the coordinates (lat_i, lon_i, z_i), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N), lon=(lon_1,...,lon_N) and z=(z_,...,z_K). Note that in this case, lat and lon must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (lat_i, lon_j, z_k), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N), lon=(lon_1,...,lon_M) and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of lat and lon do not have to be the same. Args: lat: float or array Latitude of the positions(s) where the bathymetry is to be evaluated lon: float or array Longitude of the positions(s) where the bathymetry is to be evaluated z: float or array Depth of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of lat,lon,z. Returns: : numpy.array Interpolated sound speed values """ return self._interp.interp(lat=lat, lon=lon, z=z, grid=grid)
[docs] def interp_xy(self, x, y, z, grid=False): """ Interpolate sound speed in planar (x-y) geometry. x,y,z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the positions (x_i, y_i, z_i), where x=(x_1,...,x_N), y=(y_1,...,y_N), and z=(z_1,...,z_N). Note that in this case, x,y,z must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (x_i, y_j, z_k), where x=(x_1,...,x_N), y=(y_1,...,y_M), and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of x,y,z do not have to be the same. Args: x: float or array x-coordinates y: float or array y-coordinates z: float or array depth(s) grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of x,y,z. Returns: : numpy.array Interpolated sound speed values """ return self._interp.interp_xy(x=x, y=y, z=z, grid=grid)