Source code for kadlu.sound.geophony

""" Geophony module within the kadlu library
import copy
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
from kadlu.geospatial.ocean import Ocean
from kadlu.sound.sound_speed import SoundSpeed
from kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation import TransmissionLoss
from kadlu.utils import xdist, ydist, LLtoXY, XYtoLL, DLDL_over_DXDY, deg2rad
""" Wind source level parametrization of Kewley et al. 1990.
    Values inferred from Fig. 5.7, Ocean Ambient Noise p. 114.

        * x: frequency in Hz
        * y: wind speed in m/s
        * z: source level in dB re 1 uPa^2 / Hz @ 1m / m^2
_kewley_table = np.array([[40.0, 44.0, 48.0, 53.0, 58.0],\
                 [37.5, 42.5, 48.0, 53.0, 58.0],\
                 [34.0, 39.0, 48.0, 53.0, 58.0]])
_kewley_table = np.swapaxes(_kewley_table, 0, 1)
_kewley_interp = interp2d(x=[40, 100, 300],
                          y=[2.57, 5.14, 10.29, 15.23, 20.58],

[docs]def kewley_sl_func(*, freq, wind_uv, **_): """ Compute the wind source level according to the tabulation of Kewley et al. 1990. (Ocean Ambient Noise p. 114). Values outside the tabulation domain are extrapolated via nearest-neighbor extrapolation. Args: freq: float Frequency in Hz wind_uv: float or array Wind speed in m/s Returns: : array-like Source level in units of dB re 1 uPa^2 / Hz @ 1m / m^2 """ return np.squeeze(_kewley_interp(x=freq, y=wind_uv))
[docs]def source_level(freq, x, y, area, ocean, sl_func): """ Compute source levels at the specified frequency and coordinates. Args: freq: float Sound frequency in Hz. x: float or array x-coordinate(s) y: float or array y-coordinate(s) area: float or array Source area of each location in units of meters squared. Must have same shape as x and y. ocean: instance of :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean` Ocean variables sl_func: function Source level function Returns: sl: array-like Source levels in units of dB re 1 uPa^2 / Hz @ 1m. """ kwargs = { 'freq': freq, 'wind_uv': ocean.wind_uv_xy(x=x, y=y), 'waveheight': ocean.waveheight_xy(x=x, y=y) } sl = sl_func(**kwargs) # source level per unit area sl += 10 * np.log10(area) # scale by area return sl
[docs]def transmission_loss(freq, propagation_range, lat=None, lon=None, data_range=None, seafloor={ 'sound_speed': 1700, 'density': 1.5, 'attenuation': 0.5 }, return_ocean=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize transmission loss calculator. Use the keyword arguments from :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean.Ocean`, :class:`kadlu.sound.sound_speed.SoundSpeed` and :class:`kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.TransmissionLoss` to specify ocean data sources, sound speed profile, and configure the transmission loss computation. Args: freq: float Sound frequency in Hz. propagation_range: float Propagation range in km. Default is 50 km. lat, lon: array-like Latitude and longitudes of point-like sound source data_range: float By default, environmental data is loaded for a bounding box centered at (lat,lon) with dimensions (2 x 1.2 x propagation_range) x (2 x 1.2 x propagation_range). If the data_range argument is specified, the dimensions of this box will be modified to (2 x D) x (2 x D) where D = max(data_range, 1.2*propagation_range). seafloor: dict Bottom acoustic properties. return_ocean: bool Return ocean object. Default is False. Returns: transm_loss: instance of :class:`kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.TransmissionLoss` Transmission loss calculator ocean: instance of :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean.Ocean` Ocean variables, only returned if return_ocean is True """ k = copy.copy(kwargs) # geographic boundaries if lat is not None and lon is not None: dist = 1.2 * 1e3 * propagation_range if data_range is not None: dist = max(1e3 * data_range, dist) dlat, dlon = _delta_lat_lon(lat, dist) k['south'] = lat - dlat k['north'] = lat + dlat k['west'] = lon - dlon k['east'] = lon + dlon ocean = Ocean( **{ key: v for key, v in k.items() if key in ('north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'top', 'bottom', 'start', 'end') or key[0:5] == 'load_' }) #**{key:v for key,v in k.items() if key[0:5] == 'load_'}) ss = SoundSpeed(ssp=k['ssp']) if 'ssp' in k.keys() else SoundSpeed( ocean=ocean) # sound speed # transmission loss calculator if 'bottom' in k.keys(): k.pop('bottom') transm_loss = TransmissionLoss(freq=freq, bathy_func=ocean.bathymetry_xy, bathy_deriv_func=ocean.bathymetry_deriv_xy, sound_speed_func=ss.interp_xy, bottom=seafloor, propagation_range=propagation_range, **k) if return_ocean: return transm_loss, ocean else: return transm_loss
[docs]def geophony(freq, depth, sl_func=kewley_sl_func, seafloor={ 'sound_speed': 1700, 'density': 1.5, 'attenuation': 0.5 }, below_seafloor=False, progress_bar=True, **kwargs): """ Calculate ocean ambient noise levels. Noise levels can be calculated either a set of lat-lon coordinates, or on a regular grid within a geographic bounding box. If below_seafloor is False (default), the noise level is not computed below the seafloor and instead assigned a NaN value. Use the keyword arguments from :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean.Ocean`, :class:`kadlu.sound.sound_speed.SoundSpeed` and :class:`kadlu.sound.parabolic_equation.TransmissionLoss` to specify ocean data sources, sound speed profile, and configure the transmission loss computation. Args: freq: float Sound frequency in Hz. depth: array-like Depths at which to compute the noise levels lat, lon: array-like Latitude and longitudes at which to compute the noise levels south, north: float South-north boundaries to fetch ocean data. west, east: float West-east boundaries to fetch ocean data. xy_res: float Horizontal spacing in km between points at which the noise level is computed. Only relevant if specifying a bounding box rather than specific locations. sl_func: function Source level function seafloor: dict Bottom acoustic properties. below_seafloor: bool Compute the noise below the seafloor. Default is False. progress_bar: bool Display calculation progress bar. Default is True. Returns: g: dict Model output: spl,lats,lons,x,y,z,bathy. * spl: numpy.array with shape (nx,ny,nz) Sound pressure levels in dB re 1 uPa^2 / Hz * lats: numpy.array with shape (ny) Latitude coordinates * lons: numpy.array with shape (nx) Longitude coordinates * x: numpy.array with shape (nx) x coordinates * y: numpy.array with shape (ny) y coordinates * z: numpy.array with shape (nz) Depth coordinates * bathy: numpy.array with shape (nx,ny) Bathymetry values """ if isinstance(depth, list): depth = np.array(depth) elif isinstance(depth, (float, int)): depth = np.array([depth]) depth = np.sort(depth) if 'lat' in kwargs.keys(): assert 'lon' in kwargs.keys(), "both lat and lon must be specified" lats = kwargs['lat'] lons = kwargs['lon'] if isinstance(lats, (int, float)): lats = np.array([lats]) if isinstance(lons, (int, float)): lons = np.array([lons]) x, y = LLtoXY(lats, lons, squeeze=False) assert 'propagation_range' in kwargs.keys( ), 'propagation_range must be specified' else: xy_res = kwargs.get('xy_res', 50) #default bin size is 50km s = kwargs.pop('south', -90) n = kwargs.pop('north', 90) w = kwargs.pop('west', -180) e = kwargs.pop('east', 180) lats, lons, x, y = _create_xy_grid(s, n, w, e, x_res=1e3 * xy_res, y_res=1e3 * xy_res) if 'propagation_range' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['propagation_range'] = xy_res / np.sqrt(2) if 'c0' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['c0'] = 1500 # loop over lat,lon coordinates N = len(lats) spl = None bathy = [] if N == 1: progress_bar = False progress_bar_transm = True else: progress_bar_transm = False for i in tqdm(range(N), disable=not progress_bar): lat = lats[i] lon = lons[i] # initialize transmission loss calculator kwargs['lat'] = lat kwargs['lon'] = lon transm_loss, ocean = transmission_loss(freq=freq, seafloor=seafloor, return_ocean=True, **kwargs) # interpolate bathymetry b = ocean.bathymetry(lat=lat, lon=lon) bathy.append(b) if below_seafloor: z = depth else: z = depth[depth <= b] if len(z) == 0: dB = np.empty((1, len(depth)), dtype=float) dB[:, :] = np.nan else: # transmission loss rec_depth = 0.25 * kwargs[ 'c0'] / freq # set receiver depth to 1/4 of the characteristic wave length tl, ax = transm_loss.calc(source_depth=z, rec_depth=rec_depth, progress_bar=progress_bar_transm) tl = tl[:, 0, :, :] # source level sl = _source_level_polar_grid(freq=freq, radial_axis=ax['radial_axis'], azimuthal_axis=ax['azimuthal_axis'], ocean=ocean, sl_func=sl_func) # integrate SL-TL to obtain sound pressure level p = np.power(10, (sl - tl) / 10) p = np.squeeze(np.apply_over_axes(np.sum, p, range( 1, p.ndim))) # sum over all but the first axis dB = 10 * np.log10(p) if np.ndim(dB) == 0: dB = np.array([dB]) # pad, if necessary n = len(depth) - len(dB) if n > 0: pad = np.empty(n) pad[:] = np.nan dB = np.concatenate((dB, pad)) dB = dB[np.newaxis, :] if spl is None: spl = dB else: spl = np.concatenate((spl, dB), axis=0) # transform output array to desired shape spl = np.reshape(spl, newshape=(len(y), len(x), spl.shape[1])) spl = np.swapaxes(spl, 0, 1) return { 'spl': spl, 'lats': lats, 'lons': lons, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': depth, 'bathy': bathy }
def _delta_lat_lon(lat, dist): """ Compute change in latitude and longitude for given distance in meters Args: lat: array-like Latitude dist: float Distance in meters Returns: delta_lat, delta_lon: array-like Change in latitude and longitude """ delta_lat = 1. / deg2rad * dist * DLDL_over_DXDY( lat=lat, lat_deriv_order=1, lon_deriv_order=0) delta_lon = 1. / deg2rad * dist * DLDL_over_DXDY( lat=lat, lat_deriv_order=0, lon_deriv_order=1) return delta_lat, delta_lon def _create_xy_grid(south, north, west, east, x_res, y_res): """ Create 2D surface grid for the geophony computation. Args: south, north: float Latitude range west, east: float Longitude range x_res: float Longitude resolution in meters y_res: float Latitude resolution in meters Returns: lats, lons: numpy.array, numpy.array Latitude and longitude coordinates of the grid points x, y: numpy.array, numpy.array x and y coordinates of the grid points """ # select latitude closest to the equator if np.abs(south) < np.abs(north): lat = south else: lat = north # compute x and y range xd = xdist(lon2=east, lon1=west, lat=lat) yd = ydist(lat2=north, lat1=south) # number of bins nx = int(xd / x_res) ny = int(yd / y_res) nx += nx % 2 ny += ny % 2 # create x and y arrays x = np.arange(start=-nx / 2, stop=nx / 2 + 1) * x_res y = np.arange(start=-ny / 2, stop=ny / 2 + 1) * y_res # convert to lat-lon lat_ref = 0.5 * (north + south) lon_ref = 0.5 * (east + west) lats, lons = XYtoLL(x=x, y=y, lat_ref=lat_ref, lon_ref=lon_ref, grid=True) lats = lats.flatten() lons = lons.flatten() return lats, lons, x, y def _source_level_polar_grid(freq, radial_axis, azimuthal_axis, ocean, sl_func): """ Compute the source levels of each area element on a regular grid in poolar coordinates. Args: freq: float Sound frequency in Hz. radial_axis: numpy.array Radial coordinates azimuthal_axis: numpy.array Azimuthal coordinates ocean: instance of :class:`kadlu.geospatial.ocean.Ocean` Ocean variables sl_func: function Source level function Returns: sl: numpy.array Source levels in units of dB re 1 uPa^2 / Hz @ 1m. Has shape (1,nq,nr) where nq is the number of angular bins and nr is the number of radial bins. """ r = np.copy(radial_axis) q = np.copy(azimuthal_axis) # x,y coordinates r, q = np.meshgrid(r, q) x = r * np.cos(q) y = r * np.sin(q) # area elements (m^2) dr = np.diff(radial_axis)[0] dq = np.diff(azimuthal_axis)[0] if len(q) >= 2 else 2 * np.pi a = dr * dq * r # compute source levels x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() a = a.flatten() sl = source_level(freq=freq, x=x, y=y, area=a, ocean=ocean, sl_func=sl_func) sl = np.reshape(sl, newshape=r.shape) # transform to desired shape sl = sl[np.newaxis, :, :] return sl