Source code for kadlu.geospatial.ocean

""" The ocean module provides an interface to fetching, loading
    and interpolating ocean variables.
import logging
from multiprocessing import Process

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator

import kadlu
# from kadlu import index
from kadlu.geospatial.interpolation import (
from kadlu.geospatial.data_sources.data_util import (
    # storage_cfg,
from kadlu.geospatial.data_sources.source_map import (
from kadlu.utils import center_point

vartypes = np.unique([f.rsplit('_', 1)[0] for f in load_map.keys()])

[docs]def worker(interpfcn, reshapefcn, cols, var, q): """ compute interpolation in parallel worker process interpfcn: callback function for interpolation reshapefcn: callback function for reshaping row data into matrix format for interpolation cols: data as returned from load function var: variable type. used as key in Ocean().interps dictionary q: shared queue object to pass interpolation back to parent """ if verbosity() and isinstance(cols[0], (int, float)): f'OCEAN {var.upper()}{"".join([" " for _ in range(11-len(var))])} ' f'loaded uniform value of {cols[0]} for interpolation') elif verbosity(): f'OCEAN {var.upper()}{"".join([" " for _ in range(11-len(var))])} ' f'loaded {len(cols[0])} points for interpolation') obj = interpfcn(**reshapefcn(cols)) q.put((var, obj)) return
[docs]class Ocean(): """ class for handling ocean data requests data will be loaded using the given data sources and boundaries from arguments. an interpolation for each variable will be computed in parallel data will be averaged over time frames for interpolation. for finer temporal resolution, define smaller time boundaries any of the below load_args may also accept a callback function instead of a string or array value if you wish to write your own data loading function. the boundary arguments supplied here will be passed to the callable, i.e. north, south, west, east, top, bottom, start, end callables or array arguments must be ordered by [val, lat, lon] for 2D data, or [val, lat, lon, depth] for 3D data args: north, south: latitude boundaries (float) west, east: longitude boundaries (float) top, bottom: depth range in metres (float) only applies to salinity and temperature start, end: time range for data load query (datetime) if multiple times exist within range, they will be averaged before computing interpolation **loadvars: keyword args supplied as 'load_{v}' where v is either an integer, float, array of [val, lat, lon[, time[, depth]]], or string source as described by the source_map attrs: interps: dict Dictionary of data interpolators origin: tuple(float, float) Latitude and longitude coordinates of the centre point of the geographic bounding box. This point serves as the origin of the planar x-y coordinate system. boundaries: dict Bounding box for the ocean volume in space and time """ def _prepare_args(self, loadvars): ''' prepare arguments to pass to data loading functions ''' for key in loadvars.keys(): #if key != 'load_precip_type' and key.lstrip( 'load_') not in vartypes: if key.lstrip('load_') not in vartypes: raise TypeError( f'{key} is not a valid argument. ' 'valid datasource args include:\n' f'{", ".join([f"load_{v}" for v in vartypes])}') self._load_args = [ loadvars[f'load_{v}'] if f'load_{v}' in loadvars.keys() else 0 for v in vartypes ] return def _prepare_data_fcns(self): ''' determine which data loading functions to use based on the datasources provided by the user. the user may also supply their own callback function ''' callbacks = [] ix_range = range(len(vartypes)) for v, load_arg, ix in zip(vartypes, self._load_args, ix_range): if callable(load_arg): callbacks.append(load_arg) elif isinstance(load_arg, str): key = f'{v}_{load_arg.lower()}' assert key in load_map.keys( ), f'no map for {key} in load map: \n{load_map}' callbacks.append(load_map[key]) #with index(storagedir=storage_cfg(), south=south, north=north, west=west, east=east, top=top, bottom=bottom, start=start, end=end) as fetchmap: # fetchmap(callback=load_map[f'{v}_{load_arg.lower()}']) elif isinstance(load_arg, (int, float)): callbacks.append(lambda val, south, west, start, top, **_: [ val, south, west, dt_2_epoch(start), top ]) elif isinstance(load_arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): if len(load_arg) not in (3, 4): raise ValueError( f'invalid array shape for load_{v}. ' 'arrays must be ordered by [val, lat, lon] ' 'for 2D data, or [val, lat, lon, depth] for 3D data') callbacks.append(lambda val, **_: val) else: raise TypeError( f'invalid type for load_{v}. ' 'valid types include string, float, array, and callable') self._callbacks = callbacks return def _prepare_processing_pipeline(self): ''' call data loading functions and store data as attribute. determine which reshaping function and interpolation function should be used for each requested data type ''' is_3D = [v in var3d for v in vartypes] is_arr = [not isinstance(arg, (int, float)) for arg in self._load_args] columns = [ fcn(val=val, **self.boundaries) for fcn, val in zip(self._callbacks, self._load_args) ] intrpmap = [(Uniform2D, Uniform3D), (Interpolator2D, Interpolator3D)] columns = columns reshapers = [reshape_3D if v else reshape_2D for v in is_3D] interpolators = map(lambda x, y: intrpmap[x][y], is_arr, is_3D) # assert that no empty arrays were returned by load function for col, var in zip(columns, vartypes): if isinstance(col, dict) or isinstance(col[0], (int, float)): continue assert len(col[0]) > 0, (f'no data found for {var} in region ' f'{fmt_coords(dict(**self.boundaries))}. ' f'consider expanding the region') return columns, reshapers, interpolators def __init__( self, *, south=kadlu.defaults['south'], west=kadlu.defaults['west'], north=kadlu.defaults['north'], east=kadlu.defaults['east'], bottom=kadlu.defaults['bottom'], top=kadlu.defaults['top'], start=kadlu.defaults['start'], end=kadlu.defaults['end'], **loadvars, ): self.interps = {} self.boundaries = dict(south=south, north=north, west=west, east=east, top=top, bottom=bottom, start=start, end=end) self._prepare_args(loadvars=loadvars) self._prepare_data_fcns() columns, reshapers, interpolators = self._prepare_processing_pipeline() # q = Queue() attributes = [] parallel = False if parallel: interpolations = map(lambda i, r, c, v, q=q: Process( target=worker, args=(i, r, c, v, q)), interpolators, reshapers, columns, vartypes) for i in interpolations: i.start() # set_attributes() for i in interpolations: i.join() else: for i, r, c, v in zip(interpolators, reshapers, columns, vartypes): logging.debug(f'interpolating {v}') logging.debug(f'i = {i}\n r = {r}\nc = {c}\nv = {v}') obj = i(**r(c)) # q.put((v, obj)) attributes.append((v, obj)) # set_attributes() # def set_attributes(q): self.origin = center_point(lat=[south, north], lon=[west, east]) #for v in vartypes: self.interps[v].origin = self.origin self.precip_src = loadvars[ 'load_precip_type'] if 'load_precip_type' in loadvars.keys( ) else None #x = 0 #while x <= len(vartypes): while len(attributes) > 0: #x = x + 1 #obj = q.get() obj = attributes.pop() self.interps[obj[0]] = obj[1] setattr( self, obj[0], eval( f'lambda lat, lon, {"depth," if (obj[0] in var3d) else ""} grid=False, **kw: obj[1].interp(lat, lon, {"depth," if (obj[0] in var3d) else ""} grid, **kw)', dict(obj=obj))) setattr( self, f'{obj[0]}_xy', eval( f'lambda x, y, {"z," if (obj[0] in var3d) else ""} grid=False, **kw: obj[1].interp_xy(x, y, {"z," if (obj[0] in var3d) else ""} grid, **kw)', dict(obj=obj))) #q.close() return
[docs] def bathymetry_deriv(self, lat, lon, axis, grid=False): assert axis in ('lat', 'lon'), 'axis must be \'lat\' or \'lon\'' return self.interps['bathymetry'].interp( lat, lon, grid, lat_deriv_order=(axis == 'lat'), lon_deriv_order=(axis == 'lon'))
[docs] def bathymetry_deriv_xy(self, x, y, axis, grid=False): assert axis in ('x', 'y'), 'axis must be \'x\' or \'y\'' return self.interps['bathymetry'].interp_xy( x, y, grid, x_deriv_order=(axis == 'x'), y_deriv_order=(axis == 'y'))
[docs] def precip_type(self, lat, lon, epoch, grid=False): callback, varmap = precip_type_map[self.precip_src] v, y, x, t = callback(west=min(lon), east=max(lon), south=min(lat), north=max(lat), start=self.boundaries['start'], end=self.boundaries['end']) return np.array([ varmap[v] for v in NearestNDInterpolator((y, x, t), v)(lat, lon, epoch) ])
[docs] def precip_type_xy(self, x, y, epoch, grid=False): callback, varmap = precip_type_map[self.precip_src] v, yy, xx, t = callback(west=min(x), east=max(x), south=min(y), north=max(y), start=self.boundaries['start'], end=self.boundaries['end']) return np.array([ varmap[v] for v in NearestNDInterpolator((xx, yy, t), v)(x, y, epoch) ])