Source code for kadlu.geospatial.interpolation

""" The interpolation module contains functionalities for interpolating
    geospatial data in spherical and planar geometry in one, two, or
    three dimensions (latitude, longitude, elevation).

    In the two-dimensional case, the interpolation can be made on both regular
    and irregular grids.

    In the three-dimensional case, only interpolation on regular grids has been
    implemented, although an extension to irregular grids (following the same
    methodology as in the two-dimensional case) should be straightforward.

        GridData2D class:
        GridData3D class:
        Interpolator2D class:
        Interpolator3D class:
        Uniform2D class:
        Uniform3D class:
        DepthInterpolator3D class

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import (
    # NearestNDInterpolator,
    # RectBivariateSpline,
from kadlu.utils import (
    # LLtoXY,
    # deg2rad,

[docs]class GridData2D(): """ Interpolation of data on a two-dimensional irregular grid. Essentially, a wrapper function around scipy's interpolate.griddata. An alternative to griddata could be Rbf, as discussed here: Attributes: u: 1d numpy array data points 1st coordinate v: 1d numpy array data points 2nd coordinate r: 1d numpy array data values method : {‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘cubic’}, optional """ def __init__(self, u, v, r, method='linear'): self.uv = np.array([u, v]).T self.r = r self.method = method def __call__(self, theta, phi, grid=False, dtheta=0, dphi=0): """ Interpolate data theta and phi can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the positions (theta_i, phi_i), where theta=(theta_1,...,theta_N) and phi=(phi_1,...,phi_N). Note that in this case, theta and phi must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (theta_i, phi_j), where theta=(theta_1,...,theta_N) and phi=(phi_1,...,phi_M). Note that in this case, the lengths of theta and phi do not have to be the same. Note: Interpolation of derivates not yet implemented; dtheta > 0 or dphi > 0 will result in AssertionError. Args: theta: float or array 1st coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated phi: float or array 2nd coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of theta and phi. dtheta: int Order of theta-derivative dphi: int Order of phi-derivative Returns: ri: Interpolated values """ assert dtheta + dphi == 0, "Interpolation of derivatives not implemented for irregular grids" if grid: theta, phi, M, N = self._meshgrid(theta, phi) pts = np.array([theta, phi]).T ri = griddata(self.uv, self.r, pts, method=self.method) if grid: ri = np.reshape(ri, newshape=(N, M)) ri = np.swapaxes(ri, 0, 1) return ri def _meshgrid(self, theta, phi): """ Create grid Args: theta: 1d numpy array 1st coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated phi: 1d numpy array 2nd coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated Returns: theta, phi: 2d numpy array Grid coordinates M, N: int Number of grid values """ M = 1 N = 1 if np.ndim(theta) == 1: M = len(theta) if np.ndim(phi) == 1: N = len(phi) theta, phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi) theta = theta.flatten() phi = phi.flatten() return theta, phi, M, N
[docs]class Interpolator2D(): """ Class for interpolating 2D (lat,lon) geospatial data. For irregular grids, the data values must be passed as a 1d array and all three arrays (values, lats, lons) must have the same length. For regular grids, the data values must be passed as a 2d array with shape (M,N) where M and N are the lengths of the latitude and longitude array, respectively. Attributes: values: 1d or 2d numpy array Values to be interpolated lats: 1d numpy array Latitude values lons: 1d numpy array Longitude values origin: tuple(float,float) Reference location (origo of XY coordinate system). method_irreg : {‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘cubic’, ‘regularize’}, optional Interpolation method used for irregular grids. Note that 'nearest' is usually significantly faster than the 'linear' and 'cubic'. If the 'regularize' is selected, the data is first mapped onto a regular grid by means of a linear interpolation (for points outside the area covered by the data, a nearest-point interpolation is used). The bin size of the regular grid is specified via the reg_bin argument. bins_irreg_max: int Maximum number of bins along either axis of the regular grid onto which the irregular data is mapped. Only relevant if method_irreg is set to 'regularize'. Default is 2000. """ def __init__(self, values, lats, lons, origin=None, method_irreg='regularize', bins_irreg_max=2000): # compute coordinates of origin, if not provided if origin is None: origin = center_point(lats, lons) self.origin = origin # check if bathymetry data are on a regular or irregular grid reggrid = (np.ndim(values) == 2) # convert to radians lats_rad, lons_rad = torad(lats, lons) # necessary to resolve a mismatch between scipy and underlying Fortran code # if np.min(lons_rad) < 0: self._lon_corr = np.pi else: self._lon_corr = 0 lons_rad += self._lon_corr # initialize lat-lon interpolator if reggrid: # regular grid if len(lats) > 2 and len(lons) > 2: self.interp_ll = RectSphereBivariateSpline(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, r=values) elif len(lats) > 1 and len(lons) > 1: z = np.swapaxes(values, 0, 1) self.interp_ll = interp2d(x=lats_rad, y=lons_rad, z=z, kind='linear') elif len(lats) == 1: self.interp_ll = interp1d(x=lons_rad, y=np.squeeze(values), kind='linear') elif len(lons) == 1: self.interp_ll = interp1d(x=lats_rad, y=np.squeeze(values), kind='linear') else: # irregular grid if len(np.unique(lats)) <= 1 or len(np.unique(lons)) <= 1: self.interp_ll = GridData2D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, r=values, method='nearest') elif method_irreg == 'regularize': # initialize interpolators on irregular grid if len(np.unique(lats)) >= 2 and len(np.unique(lons)) >= 2: method = 'linear' else: method = 'nearest' gd = GridData2D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, r=values, method=method) gd_near = GridData2D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, r=values, method='nearest') # determine bin size for regular grid lat_diffs = np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(lats))) lat_diffs = lat_diffs[lat_diffs > 1e-4] lon_diffs = np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(lons))) lon_diffs = lon_diffs[lon_diffs > 1e-4] bin_size = (np.min(lat_diffs), np.min(lon_diffs)) # regular grid that data will be mapped to lats_reg, lons_reg = self._create_grid(lats=lats, lons=lons, bin_size=bin_size, max_bins=bins_irreg_max) # map to regular grid lats_reg_rad, lons_reg_rad = torad(lats_reg, lons_reg) lons_reg_rad += self._lon_corr vi = gd(theta=lats_reg_rad, phi=lons_reg_rad, grid=True) vi_near = gd_near(theta=lats_reg_rad, phi=lons_reg_rad, grid=True) indices_nan = np.where(np.isnan(vi)) vi[indices_nan] = vi_near[indices_nan] # initialize interpolator on regular grid self.interp_ll = RectSphereBivariateSpline(u=lats_reg_rad, v=lons_reg_rad, r=vi) else: self.interp_ll = GridData2D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, r=values, method=method_irreg) # store data used for interpolation self.lat_nodes = lats self.lon_nodes = lons self.values = values
[docs] def get_nodes(self): return (self.values, self.lat_nodes, self.lon_nodes)
[docs] def interp_xy(self, x, y, grid=False, x_deriv_order=0, y_deriv_order=0): """ Interpolate using planar coordinate system (xy). x and y can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the positions (x_i, y_i), where x=(x_1,...,x_N) and y=(y_1,...,y_N). Note that in this case, x and y must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (x_i, y_j), where x=(x_1,...,x_N) and y=(y_1,...,y_M). Note that in this case, the lengths of x and y do not have to be the same. Args: x: float or array x-coordinate of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated y: float or array y-coordinate of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of x and y. x_deriv_order: int Order of x-derivative y_deriv_order: int Order of y-derivative Returns: zi: Interpolated interpolation values """ lat, lon = XYtoLL(x=x, y=y, lat_ref=self.origin[0], lon_ref=self.origin[1], grid=grid) if grid: M = lat.shape[0] N = lat.shape[1] lat = np.reshape(lat, newshape=(M * N)) lon = np.reshape(lon, newshape=(M * N)) zi = self.interp(lat=lat, lon=lon, squeeze=False, lat_deriv_order=y_deriv_order, lon_deriv_order=x_deriv_order) if x_deriv_order + y_deriv_order > 0: r = DLDL_over_DXDY(lat=lat, lat_deriv_order=y_deriv_order, lon_deriv_order=x_deriv_order) zi *= r if grid: zi = np.reshape(zi, newshape=(M, N)) if np.ndim(zi) == 2: zi = np.swapaxes(zi, 0, 1) zi = np.squeeze(zi) if np.ndim(zi) == 0 or (np.ndim(zi) == 1 and len(zi) == 1): zi = float(zi) return zi
[docs] def interp(self, lat, lon, grid=False, squeeze=True, lat_deriv_order=0, lon_deriv_order=0): """ Interpolate using spherical coordinate system (latitude-longitude). lat and lot can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the coordinates (lat_i, lon_i), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N) and lon=(lon_1,...,lon_N). Note that in this case, lat and lon must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (lat_i, lon_j), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N) and lon=(lon_1,...,lon_M). Note that in this case, the lengths of lat and lon do not have to be the same. Derivates are given per radians^n, where n is the overall derivative order. Args: lat: float or array latitude of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated lon: float or array longitude of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of lat and lon. If lat and lon have different lengths, specifying grid has no effect as it is automatically set to True. lat_deriv_order: int Order of latitude-derivative lon_deriv_order: int Order of longitude-derivative Returns: zi: Interpolated values (or derivates) """ lat = np.squeeze(np.array(lat)) lon = np.squeeze(np.array(lon)) lat_rad, lon_rad = torad(lat, lon) lon_rad += self._lon_corr if isinstance(self.interp_ll, interp2d): zi = self.interp_ll.__call__(x=lat_rad, y=lon_rad, dx=lat_deriv_order, dy=lon_deriv_order) if grid: zi = np.swapaxes(zi, 0, 1) if not grid and np.ndim(zi) == 2: zi = np.diagonal(zi) elif isinstance(self.interp_ll, interp1d): if len(self.lat_nodes) > 1: zi = self.interp_ll(x=lat_rad) elif len(self.lon_nodes) > 1: zi = self.interp_ll(x=lon_rad) else: zi = self.interp_ll.__call__(theta=lat_rad, phi=lon_rad, grid=grid, dtheta=lat_deriv_order, dphi=lon_deriv_order) if squeeze: zi = np.squeeze(zi) if np.ndim(zi) == 0 or (np.ndim(zi) == 1 and len(zi) == 1): zi = float(zi) return zi
def _create_grid(self, lats, lons, bin_size, max_bins): """ Created regular lat-lon grid with uniform spacing that covers a set of (lat,lon) coordinates. Args: lats: numpy.array Latitude values in degrees lons: numpy.array Longitude values in degrees bin_size: float or tuple(float,float) Lat and long bin size max_bins: int Maximum number of bins along either axis Returns: : numpy.array, numpy.array Latitude and longitude values of the regular grid """ if isinstance(bin_size, (int, float)): bin_size = (bin_size, bin_size) res = [] for v, dv in zip([lats, lons], bin_size): v_min = np.min(v) - dv v_max = np.max(v) + dv num = max(3, int((v_max - v_min) / dv) + 1) num = min(max_bins, num) v_reg = np.linspace(v_min, v_max, num=num) res.append(v_reg) return tuple(res)
[docs]class GridData3D(): """ Interpolation of data on a three-dimensional irregular grid. Essentially, a wrapper function around scipy's interpolate.griddata. An alternative to griddata could be Rbf, as discussed here: Attributes: u: 1d numpy array data points 1st coordinate v: 1d numpy array data points 2nd coordinate w: 1d numpy array data points 3rd coordinate r: 1d numpy array data values method : {‘linear’, ‘nearest’}, optional """ def __init__(self, u, v, w, r, method='linear'): self.uvw = np.array([u, v, w]).T self.r = r self.method = method def __call__(self, theta, phi, z, grid=False): """ Interpolate data theta, phi, z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the coordinates (theta_i, phi_i, z_i), where theta=(theta_1,...,theta_N), phi=(phi_1,...,phi_N) and z=(z_,...,z_K). Note that in this case, theta, phi, z must all have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (theta_i, theta_j, z_k), where theta=(theta_1,...,theta_N), phi=(phi_1,...,phi_M) and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of theta, phi, z do not have to be the same. Args: theta: float or array 1st coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated phi: float or array 2nd coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated z: float or array 3rd coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of theta and phi. Returns: ri: Interpolated values """ if grid: theta, phi, z, M, N, K = self._meshgrid(theta, phi, z) pts = np.array([theta, phi, z]).T ri = griddata(self.uvw, self.r, pts, method=self.method) if grid: ri = np.reshape(ri, newshape=(M, N, K)) return ri def _meshgrid(self, theta, phi, z, grid=False): """ Create grid Args: theta: 1d numpy array 1st coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated phi: 1d numpy array 2nd coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated z: float or array 3rd coordinate of the points where the interpolation is to be evaluated Returns: theta, phi, z: 3d numpy array Grid coordinates M, N, K: int Number of grid values """ M = 1 N = 1 K = 1 if np.ndim(theta) == 1: M = len(theta) if np.ndim(phi) == 1: N = len(phi) if np.ndim(z) == 1: K = len(z) theta, phi, z = np.meshgrid(theta, phi, z) theta = theta.flatten() phi = phi.flatten() z = z.flatten() return theta, phi, z, M, N, K
[docs]class Interpolator3D(): """ Class for interpolating 3D (lat,lon,depth) geospatial data. For irregular grids, the data values must be passed as a 1d array and all three arrays (values, lats, lons, depths) must have the same length. For regular grids, the data values must be passed as a 3d array with shape (M,N,K) where M,N,K are the lengths of the latitude, longitude, and depth arrays, respectively. Attributes: values: 3d numpy array Values to be interpolated lats: 1d numpy array Latitude values lons: 1d numpy array Longitude values depths: 1d numpy array Depth values origin: tuple(float,float) Reference location (origo of XY coordinate system). method : {‘linear’, ‘nearest’}, optional Interpolation method. Default is linear method_irreg : {‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘regularize’}, optional Interpolation method used for irregular grids. Note 'nearest' is usually significantly faster than 'linear''. If the 'regularize' is selected, the data is first mapped onto a regular grid by means of a linear interpolation (for points outside the area covered by the data, a nearest-point interpolation is used). The bin size of the regular grid is specified via the reg_bin argument. bins_irreg_max: int Maximum number of bins along either axis of the regular grid onto which the irregular data is mapped. Only relevant if method_irreg is set to 'regularize'. Default is 200. """ def __init__(self, values, lats, lons, depths, origin=None, method='linear', method_irreg='regularize', bins_irreg_max=200): # compute coordinates of origin, if not provided if origin is None: origin = center_point(lats, lons) self.origin = origin # check if bathymetry data are on a regular or irregular grid reggrid = (np.ndim(values) == 3) # convert to radians lats_rad, lons_rad = torad(lats, lons) # necessary to resolve a mismatch between scipy and underlying Fortran code # if np.min(lons_rad) < 0: self._lon_corr = np.pi else: self._lon_corr = 0 lons_rad += self._lon_corr # initialize lat-lon interpolator if reggrid: self.interp_ll = RegularGridInterpolator( (lats_rad, lons_rad, depths), values, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) else: if method_irreg == 'regularize': # interpolators on irregular grid gd = GridData3D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, w=depths, r=values, method='linear') gd_near = GridData3D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, w=depths, r=values, method='nearest') # determine bin size for regular grid lat_diffs = np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(lats))) lat_diffs = lat_diffs[lat_diffs > 1e-4] lon_diffs = np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(lons))) lon_diffs = lon_diffs[lon_diffs > 1e-4] depth_diffs = np.diff(np.sort(np.unique(depths))) depth_diffs = depth_diffs[depth_diffs > 0.1] bin_size = (np.min(lat_diffs), np.min(lon_diffs), np.min(depth_diffs)) # regular grid that data will be mapped to lats_reg, lons_reg, depths_reg = self._create_grid( lats=lats, lons=lons, depths=depths, bin_size=bin_size, max_bins=bins_irreg_max) # map to regular grid lats_reg_rad, lons_reg_rad = torad(lats_reg, lons_reg) lons_reg_rad += self._lon_corr vi = gd(theta=lats_reg_rad, phi=lons_reg_rad, z=depths_reg, grid=True) vi_near = gd_near(theta=lats_reg_rad, phi=lons_reg_rad, z=depths_reg, grid=True) indices_nan = np.where(np.isnan(vi)) vi[indices_nan] = vi_near[indices_nan] # interpolator on regular grid self.interp_ll = RegularGridInterpolator( (lats_reg_rad, lons_reg_rad, depths_reg), vi, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) else: self.interp_ll = GridData3D(u=lats_rad, v=lons_rad, w=depths, r=values, method=method_irreg) # store grids self.lat_nodes = lats self.lon_nodes = lons self.depth_nodes = depths self.values = values
[docs] def get_nodes(self): return (self.values, self.lat_nodes, self.lon_nodes, self.depth_nodes)
[docs] def interp_xy(self, x, y, z, grid=False): """ Interpolate using planar coordinate system (xy). x,y,z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the positions (x_i, y_i, z_i), where x=(x_1,...,x_N), y=(y_1,...,y_N), and z=(z_1,...,z_N). Note that in this case, x,y,z must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (x_i, y_j, z_k), where x=(x_1,...,x_N), y=(y_1,...,y_M), and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of x,y,z do not have to be the same. Args: x: float or array x-coordinate of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated y: float or array y-coordinate of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated z: float or array Depth of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of x,y,z. Returns: vi: Interpolated values """ M = N = K = 1 if np.ndim(y) == 1: M = len(y) if np.ndim(x) == 1: N = len(x) if np.ndim(z) == 1: K = len(z) lat, lon, z = XYtoLL(x=x, y=y, lat_ref=self.origin[0], lon_ref=self.origin[1], grid=grid, z=z) if grid: lat = lat.flatten() lon = lon.flatten() z = z.flatten() vi = self.interp(lat=lat, lon=lon, z=z, squeeze=False) if grid: vi = np.reshape(vi, newshape=(M, N, K)) if np.ndim(vi) == 3: vi = np.swapaxes(vi, 0, 1) vi = np.squeeze(vi) if np.ndim(vi) == 0 or (np.ndim(vi) == 1 and len(vi) == 1): vi = float(vi) return vi
[docs] def interp(self, lat, lon, z, grid=False, squeeze=True): """ Interpolate using spherical coordinate system (lat-lon). lat,lot,z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the coordinates (lat_i, lon_i, z_i), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N), lon=(lon_1,...,lon_N) and z=(z_,...,z_K). Note that in this case, lat and lon must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (lat_i, lon_j, z_k), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N), lon=(lon_1,...,lon_M) and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of lat and lon do not have to be the same. Args: lat: float or array Latitude of the positions(s) where the bathymetry is to be evaluated lon: float or array Longitude of the positions(s) where the bathymetry is to be evaluated z: float or array Depth of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of lat,lon,z. Returns: zi: Interpolated bathymetry values (or derivates) """ M = N = K = 1 if np.ndim(lat) == 1: M = len(lat) if np.ndim(lon) == 1: N = len(lon) if np.ndim(z) == 1: K = len(z) lat = np.squeeze(np.array(lat)) lon = np.squeeze(np.array(lon)) lat_rad, lon_rad = torad(lat, lon) lon_rad += self._lon_corr z = np.squeeze(np.array(z)) if grid: lat_rad, lon_rad, z = np.meshgrid(lat_rad, lon_rad, z) lat_rad = lat_rad.flatten() lon_rad = lon_rad.flatten() z = z.flatten() pts = np.column_stack((lat_rad, lon_rad, z)) vi = self.interp_ll(pts) if grid: vi = np.reshape(vi, newshape=(M, N, K)) if squeeze: vi = np.squeeze(vi) if np.ndim(vi) == 0 or (np.ndim(vi) == 1 and len(vi) == 1): vi = float(vi) return vi
def _create_grid(self, lats, lons, depths, bin_size, max_bins): """ Created regular lat-lon-depth grid with uniform spacing that covers a set of (lat,lon,depth) coordinates. Args: lats: numpy.array Latitude values in degrees lons: numpy.array Longitude values in degrees depths: numpy.array Depth valus in meters bin_size: tuple(float,float,float) Bin size max_bins: int Maximum number of bins along any axis Returns: : numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array Lat, lon, and depth values of the regular grid """ res = [] for v, dv in zip([lats, lons, depths], bin_size): v_min = np.min(v) - dv v_max = np.max(v) + dv num = max(3, int((v_max - v_min) / dv) + 1) num = min(max_bins, num) v_reg = np.linspace(v_min, v_max, num=num) res.append(v_reg) return tuple(res)
[docs]class Uniform2D(): def __init__(self, values, **other): self.value = values
[docs] def get_nodes(self): return (self.value, None, None)
[docs] def interp_xy(self, x, y, grid=False, x_deriv_order=0, y_deriv_order=0): z = self.interp(lat=y, lon=x, grid=grid, squeeze=False, lat_deriv_order=y_deriv_order, lon_deriv_order=x_deriv_order) if np.ndim(z) == 3: z = np.swapaxes(z, 0, 1) z = np.squeeze(z) return z
[docs] def interp(self, lat, lon, grid=False, squeeze=True, lat_deriv_order=0, lon_deriv_order=0): if np.ndim(lat) == 0: lat = np.array([lat]) if np.ndim(lon) == 0: lon = np.array([lon]) if grid: s = (len(lat), len(lon)) else: assert len(lat) == len( lon ), 'when grid is False, lat and lon must have the same length' s = len(lat) if lat_deriv_order + lon_deriv_order > 0: v = 0 else: v = self.value z = np.ones(s) * v if squeeze: z = np.squeeze(z) return z
[docs]class Uniform3D(): def __init__(self, values, **other): self.value = values
[docs] def get_nodes(self): return (self.value, None, None, None)
[docs] def interp_xy(self, x, y, z, grid=False): v = self.interp(lat=y, lon=x, z=z, grid=grid, squeeze=False) if np.ndim(v) == 3: v = np.swapaxes(v, 0, 1) v = np.squeeze(v) return v
[docs] def interp(self, lat, lon, z, grid=False, squeeze=True): if np.ndim(lat) == 0: lat = np.array([lat]) if np.ndim(lon) == 0: lon = np.array([lon]) if np.ndim(z) == 0: z = np.array([z]) if grid: s = (len(lat), len(lon), len(z)) else: assert len(lat) == len(lon) == len( z), 'when grid is False, lat,lon,z must have the same length' s = len(lat) v = np.ones(s) * self.value if squeeze: v = np.squeeze(v) return v
[docs]class DepthInterpolator3D(): """ Class for interpolating 3D (lat,lon,depth) geospatial data that only varies with depth. Attributes: values: 1d or 3d numpy array Values to be interpolated depths: 1d numpy array Depth values method : {‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘previous’, ‘next’}, optional Interpolation method. Default is quadratic. """ def __init__(self, values, depths, method='quadratic'): if np.ndim(values) == 3: values = values[0, 0, :] # initialize 1d interpolator self.interp1d = interp1d(x=depths, y=values, kind=method, fill_value="extrapolate") # store interpolation data self.depth_nodes = depths self.values = values
[docs] def get_nodes(self): return (self.values, self.depth_nodes)
[docs] def interp_xy(self, x, y, z, grid=False): """ Interpolate using planar coordinate system (xy). x,y,z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the positions (x_i, y_i, z_i), where x=(x_1,...,x_N), y=(y_1,...,y_N), and z=(z_1,...,z_N). Note that in this case, x,y,z must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (x_i, y_j, z_k), where x=(x_1,...,x_N), y=(y_1,...,y_M), and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of x,y,z do not have to be the same. Args: x: float or array x-coordinate of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated y: float or array y-coordinate of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated z: float or array Depth of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of x,y,z. Returns: vi: Interpolated values """ v = self.interp(lat=y, lon=x, z=z, grid=grid, squeeze=False) if np.ndim(v) == 3: v = np.swapaxes(v, 0, 1) v = np.squeeze(v) return v
[docs] def interp(self, lat, lon, z, grid=False, squeeze=True): """ Interpolate using spherical coordinate system (lat-lon). lat, lon, z can be floats or arrays. If grid is set to False, the interpolation will be evaluated at the coordinates (lat_i, lon_i, z_i), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N), lon=(lon_1,...,lon_N) and z=(z_,...,z_K). Note that in this case, lat and lon must have the same length. If grid is set to True, the interpolation will be evaluated at all combinations (lat_i, lon_j, z_k), where lat=(lat_1,...,lat_N), lon=(lon_1,...,lon_M) and z=(z_1,...,z_K). Note that in this case, the lengths of lat and lon do not have to be the same. Args: lat: float or array Latitude of the positions(s) where the bathymetry is to be evaluated lon: float or array Longitude of the positions(s) where the bathymetry is to be evaluated z: float or array Depth of the positions(s) where the interpolation is to be evaluated grid: bool Specify how to combine elements of lat,lon,z. Returns: zi: Interpolated bathymetry values (or derivates) """ if np.ndim(lat) == 0: lat = np.array([lat]) if np.ndim(lon) == 0: lon = np.array([lon]) if np.ndim(z) == 0: z = np.array([z]) if grid: s = (len(lat), len(lon), len(z)) else: assert len(lat) == len(lon) == len( z), 'when grid is False, lat,lon,z must have the same length' s = len(lat) #v = self.interp(z) v = self.interp1d(z) if grid: v = np.ones(s) * v[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] if squeeze: v = np.squeeze(v) return v