Source code for kadlu.geospatial.data_sources.gebco

import os
import logging
import zipfile
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

import kadlu
from kadlu import index
from kadlu.geospatial.data_sources.data_util import (

fname = ''
url = ''

[docs]def initdb(): conn, db = database_cfg() db.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS gebco' '( val REAL NOT NULL, ' ' lat REAL NOT NULL, ' ' lon REAL NOT NULL )') db.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_gebco on gebco(val, lat, lon)') conn.close()
[docs]class Gebco():
[docs] def fetch_bathymetry_grid(self): """ download netcdf archive and extract it """ zipf = os.path.join(kadlu.storage_cfg(), "") # unzip the file if necessary if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_cfg(), fname)): # if there is no zip file, download it if not os.path.isfile(zipf):'downloading gebco bathymetry...') with requests.get(url, stream=True) as payload_netcdf: assert payload_netcdf.status_code == 200, 'error fetching file' with open(zipf, 'wb') as f: with tqdm(total=4011413504, desc='', unit='B', unit_scale=True) as t: for chunk in payload_netcdf.iter_content( chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) _ = t.update(8192) # unzip the downloaded file with zipfile.ZipFile(zipf, 'r') as zip_ref:'extracting bathymetry data...') zip_ref.extractall(path=storage_cfg()) return
[docs] def fetch_callback(self, south, north, west, east, top=None, bottom=None, start=None, end=None): """ build data grid indexes from .nc file and insert into database """ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(storage_cfg(), fname)): self.fetch_bathymetry_grid() rows = kadlu.load_file(os.path.join(storage_cfg(), fname), south=south, north=north, west=west, east=east).T initdb() conn, db = database_cfg() n1 = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gebco ").fetchall()[0][0] db.executemany( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO gebco (val, lat, lon) VALUES (?,?,?)", rows) n2 = db.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gebco ").fetchall()[0][0] logmsg('gebco', 'bathymetry', (n1, n2), south=south, west=west, north=north, east=east) conn.commit() conn.close() return
[docs] def load_bathymetry(self, south, north, west, east, **_): """ load gebco bathymetry data """ with index(dx=2, dy=2, dz=99999, dt=timedelta(hours=24), storagedir=storage_cfg(), bins=True, south=south, north=north, west=west, east=east, top=0, bottom=99999, start=datetime(2000, 1, 1), end=datetime(2000, 1, 2)) as fetchmap: _ = fetchmap(callback=self.fetch_callback) conn, db = kadlu.database_cfg() qry = ' AND '.join([ 'SELECT val, lat, lon FROM gebco WHERE lat >= ?', 'lat <= ?', 'lon >= ?', 'lon <= ?' ]) logging.debug(f'query: {qry}') db.execute(qry, (south, north, west, east)) res = np.array(db.fetchall()).T conn.close() if len(res) == 0: logmsg_nodata('gebco', 'bathymetry', south=south, north=north, west=west, east=east) return np.array([[], [], []]) val, lat, lon = res return val, lat, lon